• a0.7 f7bd675b5d

    TBS a0.07 Pre-release

    Ghost released this 2024-10-08 19:28:19 +02:00 | 2 commits to develop since this release

    Some much-needed fixes and improvements to the backend.

    • improved mastodon exports for easier integration
    • locations with public comments are displayed
    • improved source data retrieval and organization
    • implemented member accounts
    • implemented member roles
    • expanded location information including archive links, image uploading, and location-specific notes
  • a0.06 c84aa75350

    TBS a0.06 Pre-release

    Ghost released this 2024-04-24 22:52:41 +02:00 | 16 commits to develop since this release

    This version marks the completion of the transition to the Laravel framework. Yes, it took awhile, but it's finally done.

    There have also been some improvements to the core processes of the site

    • - updated data collection and sorting process two work in two steps. the first retrieves data from sources, the second organizes and updates location data, in preparation for data automation
    • - archive links added to location data set so screens and links will be present for behavior references
    • - transition to Laravel completed
    • responsive on mobile devices improved
    • incorrect percentage display when heat rating is not even fixed
    • location editing updated
    • pagination method improved
  • a0.05 03fbd00db1

    TBS a0.05 Pre-release

    Ghost released this 2024-02-13 17:43:40 +01:00 | 27 commits to develop since this release

    This releases focuses on stabalizing the codebase after the transition to Laravel and normalizing the release process by (finally) tagging them with a version. Here's the cool stuff.

    • - The design was been updated to better display data about locations at a glance
    • - The introduction of the offical appeals process.
    • - Added heat maps to clearly display how many Current Sources have taken actions against a location
    • CSV export links for Mastodon now display how many locations are listed per heat level
    • Updated the About section with more information about what the site does and how it operates
    • Location pages display Heat Rating along with actions counts
    • snazzy new silence and suspend icons by Puf