ro 45f857e9b8
The Big Flip
Removed the Slim Framework from the codebase and installed the latest
Laravel version to be the new foundation for the project moving forward.

Code from the old version will now be ported to the new version.
2024-02-29 11:09:17 -06:00

34 lines
979 B

return [
| Third Party Services
| This file is for storing the credentials for third party services such
| as Mailgun, Postmark, AWS and more. This file provides the de facto
| location for this type of information, allowing packages to have
| a conventional file to locate the various service credentials.
'mailgun' => [
'domain' => env('MAILGUN_DOMAIN'),
'secret' => env('MAILGUN_SECRET'),
'endpoint' => env('MAILGUN_ENDPOINT', ''),
'scheme' => 'https',
'postmark' => [
'token' => env('POSTMARK_TOKEN'),
'ses' => [
'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'us-east-1'),