ro b9b04f1ab2
page api rewire, pt 1
start building out the new version of the page editing api while making
some changes to the original scripts for added flexibility and using the
full range of HTTP methods that weren't being used before.

currenlty, it's just an end to end test to make sure the plumbing works
as it should data is being passed and can be processed.

now that it all works, the guts of page editing can be completed

update sortablejs to the latest since it's been awhile and got rid of
the old version
2024-03-07 15:42:11 -06:00

199 lines
8.6 KiB

@section('title', 'The Dash | Edit Page')
if($mode == 'edit')
$id = $page['id'];
$uuid = $page['uuid'];
$slug = $page['slug'];
$feature = $page['feature'];
$layout = $page['layout'];
$tags = $page['tags'];
$content = $page['content'];
$date = $page['created'];
$updated = $page['updated'];
$media = $page['media'];
$files = $page['docs'];
$id = "";
$uuid = "";
$slug = "";
$feature = "";
$layout = "";
$tags = "";
$content = "";
$date = "";
$updated = "";
$media = "";
$files = "";
<section data-index="{{ $id }}" data-uuid="{{ $uuid }}" data-slug="{{ $slug }}" data-layout="{{ $layout }}" role="file-manager">
@if($page['feature'] == null)
<div role="file-drop">
<label for="page-files-upload">DRAG AND DROP FILES OR CLICK TO SELECT</label>
<label role="list-title">IMAGES AND VIDEO</label>
<div role="page-images-list"></div>
<label role="list-title">FILES</label>
<div role="page-files-list"></div>
<div role="file-drop">
<label for="page-files-upload">DRAG AND DROP FILES OR CLICK TO SELECT</label>
<label role="list-title">IMAGES AND VIDEO</label>
<div id="page-images-list" role="page-images-list">
@foreach($media as $item)
@if($item['type'] == "mp4")
<div id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="video-item" data-source="{{ $item['file'] }}">
<source src="{{ $item['file'] }}"/>
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
<div id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="img-item" data-source="{{ $item['file'] }}" style="background: url({{ $item['file'] }}) no-repeat center center / cover">
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
@if(media[0] != '')
@if(media[0]['type'] == "mp4")
<div id="0" class="video-item" data-source="{{ media[0]['file'] }}">
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">X</button>
<div id="0" class="img-item" data-source="{{ media[0]['file'] }}" style="background: url({{ media[0]['file'] }}) no-repeat center center / cover">
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
<label role="list-title">FILES</label>
<div role="page-files-list">
@if(count($files) > 1)
@foreach($files as $item)
$fileName = explode("/", $item['file']);
@if($item['type'] == "mp3")
<div id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="audio-item" data-source="{{ $item['file'] }}">
<audio controls>
<source src="{{ $item['file'] }}"/>
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
<div id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="file-item" data-source="{{ $item['file'] }}">
<a href="{{ $item['file'] }}" target="_blank">{{ $fileName[6] }}"</a>
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
@if(isset($files[0]) && $files[0] != '')
$fileName = explode("/", $item['file']);
@if($files[0]['type'] == "mp3")
<div id="0" class="audio-item" data-source="{{ $files[0]['file'] }}">
<audio controls>
<source src="{{ $files[0]['file'] }}"/>
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
<div id="0" class="file-item" data-source="{{ $files[0]['file'] }}">
<a href="{{ $item['file'] }}" target="_blank">{{ $fileName[6] }}"</a>
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
<section role="page-meta">
<div role="page-meta-wrapper">
<div role="page-title">
<textarea id="post-title-text" type="text" name="post-title-text" class="post-edit" placeholder="TITLE">{{ $title }}</textarea>
<div role="page-tags">
<textarea id="post-tags" type="text" name="post-tags" class="form-control" placeholder="tags [comma seperated]">{{ $tags }}</textarea>
<div role="page-layouts">
<select id="page-templates">
@foreach($views as $view)
@if($view == $page['layout'])
<option value={{ $view }} selected>{{ $view }}</option>
<option value={{ $view }}>{{ $view }}</option>
<div role="page-options">
<div role="page-updated">
<span id="post-date" type="text">
{{ $updated }}
<div role="page-created">
<span id="post-date" type="text">
{{ $date }}
<input id="page-files-upload" type="file" name="page-files-upload" multiple/>
<input id="post-image-upload" type="file" name="post-image-upload"/>
<input id="form_token" name="token" type="hidden" value="needtoaddtoken"></div>
<section role="text-editor">
<div role="edit-post-wrapper">
<textarea id="edit" spellcheck="false" class="language-md">{{ $content }}</textarea>
<pre id="highlight"><code id="highlight-content" class="language-md"></code></pre>
<script type="module" src="/assets/scripts/dash/app/EditPage.js"></script>