ro c85e145774
added getbyIndex for pages, urlencode page titles
the theme controller was grabbing the index by its page name, which was
bad because that might change. that was replaced with a getById function
since the index id will always be 0 since it's the first page. this is a
seperate function from getByUuid which is a unique indentifier for each
page which was being used interchangably before the fix. all of those
references have been cleaned up to reference which type of id is needed

there was also a bug that happened on rendering when there were special
characters in the title. this was solved by saving the title as a
urlencoded string and then just decodded when it was needed for display
on the front end
2024-09-04 14:32:36 -06:00

294 lines
10 KiB

namespace App\Services\Data;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use function _\find;
use function _\filter;
class SortingService
private $p_tags = [];
private $p_archive = [];
private $settings;
private $contents;
private $themes;
private $info = [];
public function __construct(
SettingsService $settingsService,
ContentService $contentService,
ThemeService $themeService,
) {
$this->settings = $settingsService;
$this->contents = $contentService;
$this->themes = $themeService;
$global = $this->settings->getGlobal();
$this->info = [
'keywords' => isset($global['keywords'])
? $global['keywords']
: 'fipamo, blog, jamstack, php, markdown, js',
'menu' => $this->settings->getMenu(),
'tags' => $this->settings->getTags(),
'description' => $global['descriptions'],
'image' => $global['base_url'] . $global['background'],
'baseURL' => $global['base_url'],
'dynamicRender' => $global['dynamicRender'],
'theme' => $global['theme'],
public function tags($debug = true)
$pages = $this->contents->loadAllPages();
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$temp = [];
if (isset($page['tags'])) {
$temp = explode(',', $page['tags']);
foreach ($temp as $tag) {
$label = trim($tag);
if (!find($this->p_tags, ['tag_name' => $label])) {
array_push($this->p_tags, [
'tag_name' => $label,
'slug' => safeString($label),
'pages' => $this->tagPages($label, $pages),
$tagData = [];
$settingsTags = [];
if (isset($this->settings->getTags()['pages'])) {
$settingsTags = $this->settings->getTags()['pages'];
$tagData = [
'debug' => $debug, // for theme kit
'layout' => 'page',
'tags' => $this->p_tags,
'theme' => $this->info['theme'], // for theme kit
'title' => 'Pages Tagged as Tag',
'dynamicRender' => $this->info['dynamicRender'],
'pages' => $settingsTags,
'info' => $this->info,
'menu' => $this->settings->getMenu(),
'media' => [
['file' => $this->info['image'],
'type' => trim(pathinfo($this->info['image'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION))]
return $tagData;
private function tagPages($tag, $pages)
$tagged = [];
foreach ($pages as $page) {
if (isset($page['tags'])) {
if (strpos($page['tags'], $tag) !== false) {
array_push($tagged, [
'title' => $page['title'],
'slug' => $page['slug'],
'path' => $page['path'],
'feature' => $page['feature'],
return $tagged;
public function archive($debug = true)
$pages = $this->contents->loadAllPages();
$years = [];
$archive = [];
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$date = explode('/', $page['path']);
if (!find($years, ['year' => trim($date[0])])) {
$findPages = filter($pages, ['createdYear' => trim($date[0])]);
'year' => trim($date[0]),
'count' => count($findPages),
foreach ($years as $year) {
$sorted = [];
$filtered = filter($pages, ['createdYear' => $year['year']]);
foreach ($filtered as $obj) {
$month = date('m', date($obj['rawCreated']));
if (!find($sorted, ['month' => $month])) {
$perMonth = filter(
'path' => $year['year'] . '/' . $month,
'deleted' => false,
'published' => true,
'layout' => 'page',
array_push($sorted, [
'month' => $month,
'full_month' => date('F', date($obj['rawCreated'])),
'count' => count($perMonth),
'pages' => $perMonth,
array_push($this->p_archive, [
'year' => $year['year'],
'year_data' => $sorted,
$archive_data = [];
$archiveData = [
'debug' => $debug, // for theme kit
'theme' => $this->info['theme'], // for theme kit
'layout' => 'page',
'title' => 'Archives',
'dynamicRender' => $this->info['dynamicRender'],
'archive' => $this->p_archive,
'info' => $this->info,
'menu' => $this->settings->getMenu(),
'media' => [
['file' => $this->info['image'],
'type' => trim(pathinfo($this->info['image'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION))]
return $archiveData;
public function page($page, $debug = true)
$pageOptions = [];
$tags = [];
if (isset($page['tags'])) {
$taglist = explode(',', $page['tags']);
foreach ($taglist as $tag) {
$label = trim($tag);
array_push($tags, [
'label' => $label . ' ',
'slug' => safeString($label),
$meta = [
'who' => $page['author'],
'when' => $page['created'],
'tags' => $tags,
// if page feature isn't empty, find image from list and set it as background image
// if it is empty, just use global background
if ($page['feature'] != '' || $page['feature'] != null) {
$media = explode(',', $page['feature']);
$set = false;
foreach ($media as $file) {
$item = trim($file);
$ext = pathinfo($item, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($ext != 'mp4' && !$set) {
$this->info['image'] = $this->info['baseURL'] . $item;
$set = true;
$recent = [];
$featured = [];
$limit = 4;
$pages = $this->contents->loadAllPages();
foreach ($pages as $item) {
if (
!$item['deleted'] &&
$item['published'] &&
$item['menu'] != 'true'
) {
if (count($recent) < $limit) {
array_push($recent, [
'path' => $item['path'],
'slug' => $item['slug'],
'title' => urldecode($item['title']),
'feature' => $item['feature'],
if ($item['featured'] == true) {
if (count($featured) < $limit) {
array_push($featured, [
'path' => $item['path'],
'slug' => $item['slug'],
'title' => urldecode($item['title']),
'feature' => $item['feature'],
$pageData = [
"debug" => $debug,
"theme" => $this->info['theme'],
"status" => session('member') != null ? true : false,
"title" => urldecode($page['title']),
"meta" => $meta,
"menu" => $this->settings->getMenu(),
"info" => $this->info,
"media" => $page['media'],
"files" => $page['docs'],
"content" => $page['html'],
"layout" => $page['layout'],
"recent" => $recent,
"feature" => $featured,
"tags" => $meta['tags'],
"dynamicRender" => $this->info['dynamicRender'],
return $pageData;
public function navigation()
$pageOptions = [
'title' => 'Edit Navigation',
'status' => session('member') != '' ? true : false,
'menu' => $this->settings->getMenu(),
return $pageOptions;
public function settings()
$global = $this->settings->getGlobal();
$updatedContent = new Carbon($global['last_content_backup']);
$updatedFiles = new Carbon($global['last_files_backup']);
$status = session('member') != '' ? true : false;
$pageOptions = [
'title' => 'Settings',
'private' => $global['private'],
'renderOnSave' => $global['renderOnSave'],
'background' => $global['background'],
'member' => session('member'),
'ftoken' => session('form_token'),
'siteTitle' => $global['title'],
'baseUrl' => $global['base_url'],
'desc' => $global['descriptions'],
'lastContentBackup' => $updatedContent->format('Y F d H i s'),
'lastFilesBackup' => $updatedFiles->format('Y F d H i s'),
'currentTheme' => $global['theme'],
'themes' => $this->themes->getThemes(),
'apiStatus' => isset($global['externalAPI']) ? $global['externalAPI'] : 'false',
'dynamicRenderStatus' => isset($global['dynamicRender']) ? $global['dynamicRender'] : 'false',
'status' => $status,
return $pageOptions;