ro eda377aba3
publish site from settings active
with the setting page set up, now the the settings api can be added,
beginning with the ability to render all files from settings.

the base settings api class is set up, so now the rest of the methods
can be added
2024-03-19 15:34:01 -06:00

116 lines
5.6 KiB

@section('title', 'The Dash | '. $title)
<article class="settings">
<section class="member-settings">
<div class="member-avatar">
<div class="avatar" style="background: url({{ $member['avatar'] }} ) no-repeat center center / cover"></div>
<input id="avatar-upload" type="file" name="avatar-upload"/>
<div class="site-background">
<div class="background" style="background: url({{ $background }} ) no-repeat center center / cover"></div>
<input id="background-upload" type="file" name="backgrond-upload"/>
<input type='text' name='handle' id='settings-handle' placeholder='handle' value="{{ $member['handle'] }}" autofocus/>
<input type='text' name='email' id='settings-email' placeholder='email' value="{{ $member['email'] }}" autofocus/>
<input type='text' name='base-url' id='settings-url' placeholder='url' value="{{ $baseUrl }}" autofocus/>
<input type='text' name='base-title' id='settings-title' placeholder='site title' value="{{ $siteTitle }}" autofocus/>
<textarea id="settings-desc" type='text' name='settings_desc' class='settings-dec' placeholder='description stuff' , autofocus>{{ $desc }}</textarea>
<button id="create-backup">
<i class="ti ti-disc"></i>
<span>BACK UP YOUR SITE</span>
@if($lastBackup != '')
<a href="/api/v1/files">{{ $lastBackup }}</a><br/>
<span>span No back ups. Frowny face.</span>
<div class="features">
@if(isset($apiStatus) && $apiStatus == 'true')
<button id="api-access-toggle" title="allow external api" data-enabled="true">
<i class="ti ti-phone-incoming"></i>
<span id="api-status">API ACCESS ENABLED</span>
<button id="api-access-toggle" title="allow external api" data-enabled="false">
<i class="ti ti-phone-incoming"></i>
<span id="api-status">API ACCESS NOT ENABLED</span>
@if(isset($dynamicRenderStatus) && $dynamicRenderStatus == 'true')
<button id="dynamic-render-toggle" title="allow external api" data-enabled="true">
<i class="ti ti-arrow-merge"></i>
<span id="dynamic-render-status">DYNAMIC PAGE RENDERING</span>
<button id="dynamic-render-toggle" title="allow external api" data-enabled="false">
<i class="ti ti-arrow-merge"></i>
<span id="dynamic-render-status">STATIC PAGE RENDERING</span>
<div class="theme">
@foreach($themes as $theme)
@if($theme['name'] == $currentTheme)
<button id="{{ $theme['name'] }}" class="theme-select" data-enabled="true">
<i class="ti ti-brush"></i>
<span>{{ $theme['display-name'] }}</span>
<button href="#" id="{{ $theme['name'] }}" class="theme-select" data-enabled="false">
<i class="ti ti-brush-off"></i>
<span>{{ $theme['display-name'] }}</span>
<div class="mail">
@if($mailOption == "option-none" or $mailOption == "")
<a href="#" class="mail-option" id="option-none" data-enabled="true">NONE</a>
<a href="#" class="mail-option" id="option-none" data-enabled="false">NONE</a>
@if($mailOption == "option-mg" or $mailOption == "")
<a href="#" class="mail-option" id="option-mg" data-enabled="true">MAILGUN</a>
<a href="#" class="mail-option" id="option-mg" data-enabled="false">MAILGUN</a>
@if($mailOption == "option-smtp" or $mailOption == "")
<a href="#" class="mail-option" id="option-smtp" data-enabled="true">SMTP</a>
<a href="#" class="mail-option" id="option-smtp" data-enabled="false">SMTP</a>
<button id="send-mail">
<i class="ti ti-mailbox"></i>
<span>TEST MAIL</span>
<label>API KEY</label>
{{ $member['key'] }}
<label>FORM TOKEN</label><br/>
{{ $ftoken }}
<script type="module" src="/assets/scripts/dash/app/EditSettings.js"></script>