Are0h 8734baf85e Fix for , editing upload que
Whew it took a bit but now the upload que on the page edit page is
editable. You can add and remove files as needed without having to add
all your files at once, which us how it previously worked. Still needs
to be tested a bit but the plumbing is up and running.

Also removed a stray php format config as it is no longer needed.
2022-05-18 16:41:25 -07:00

202 lines
6.8 KiB

namespace brain\data;
use brain\utility\Sorting;
use brain\utility\DocTools;
use function _\find;
class Render
public $loader;
public $twig;
public $pageInfo;
public $menu;
public $background;
public function __construct()
$config = new Settings();
//TODO: Add theme folder to loader
$settings = $config->getSettings();
$this->menu = $settings['menu'];
$this->theme = $settings['global']['theme'];
$this->loader = new \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader('../content/themes/' . $this->theme);
$this->twig = new \Twig\Environment($this->loader, []);
$this->pageInfo = [
'keywords' => isset($settings['global']['keywords'])
? $settings['global']['keywords']
: 'fipamo, blog, jamstack, php, markdown, js',
'description' => $settings['global']['descriptions'],
'image' => $settings['global']['base_url'] . $settings['global']['background'],
'baseURL' => $settings['global']['base_url'],
//move global theme image assets to public folder
foreach (
new \DirectoryIterator('../content/themes/' . $this->theme . '/assets/images/global/') as $file
) {
if ($file->isDot()) {
if (!is_file('../public/assets/images/global/' . $file->getFileName())) {
'../content/themes/' .
$this->theme .
'/assets/images/global/' .
'../public/assets/images/global/' . $file->getFileName()
} else {
//image is already there, so chill
//print $file->getFilename() . "\n";
//copy current theme assets to public
//clear files in css and scripts folder
$styles = glob('../public/assets/css/*'); // get all file names
foreach ($styles as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
//don't erase dashboard css
if (!$file == '../public/assets/css/dash.css') {
unlink($file); // delete file
$scripts = glob('../public/assets/scripts/*'); // get all file names
foreach ($scripts as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
if (!$file == '../public/assets/scripts/Start.js') {
unlink($file); // delete file
//copy theme assets to public
$newcss = glob('../content/themes/' . $this->theme . '/assets/css/*');
foreach ($newcss as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
$path = explode('/', $file);
copy($file, '../public/assets/css/' . $path[6]);
$newjs = glob('../content/themes/' . $this->theme . '/assets/scripts/*');
foreach ($newjs as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
$path = explode('/', $file);
copy($file, '../public/assets/scripts/' . $path[6]);
public function renderPages()
$pages = (new Book())->getContents();
$recent = [];
$featured = [];
$limit = 4;
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$pageOptions = Sorting::page($page);
$layout = $page['layout'];
//new pages have no layout, so defautl for now
if ($layout == '' || $layout == null) {
$layout = 'page';
$template = $layout . '.twig';
if (str_contains($page['layout'], 'index')) {
$location = '../public/index.html';
$dir = null;
} else {
// if page is a menu item, render the page on public root
if ($page['menu'] == 'true') {
$location = '../public/' . $page['slug'] . '.html';
$dir = '../public/';
} else {
$location = '../public/' . $page['path'] . '/' . $page['slug'] . '.html';
$dir = '../public/' . $page['path'];
$html = $this->twig->render($template, $pageOptions);
DocTools::writeHTML($location, $html, $dir);
public function renderArchive()
$archive = Sorting::archive();
$template = 'archive.twig';
$pageOptions = [
'title' => 'Archive',
'background' => $this->pageInfo['image'],
'archives' => $archive,
'info' => $this->pageInfo,
'menu' => $this->menu,
$html = $this->twig->render($template, $pageOptions);
$location = '../public/archives.html';
DocTools::writeHTML($location, $html);
public function renderTags()
$list = Sorting::tags();
foreach ($list as $item) {
$template = 'tags.twig';
$pageOptions = [
'title' => 'Pages Tagged as ' . $item['tag_name'],
'background' => $this->pageInfo['image'],
'tag_list' => $item['pages'],
'info' => $this->pageInfo,
'menu' => $this->menu,
$html = $this->twig->render($template, $pageOptions);
$location = '../public/tags/' . $item['slug'] . '.html';
//if tags folder doesn't exist, make it
if (!is_dir('../public/tags')) {
mkdir('../public/tags', 0755, true);
} else {
if (!is_file($location)) {
file_put_contents($location, $html);
} else {
($new = fopen($location, 'w')) or die('Unable to open file!');
fwrite($new, $html);
public function renderIndex()
//TODO: Need to fix this to account for new index templating system
$pages = (new Book())->getContents();
$index = find($pages, ['layout' => 'index']);
$template = 'index.twig';
$location = '../public/index.html';
$dir = null;
$meta = [
'who' => $index['author'],
'when' => $index['created'],
$pageOptions = [
'title' => $index['title'],
'background' => $index['feature'],
'meta' => $meta,
$html = $this->twig->render($template, $pageOptions);
DocTools::writeHTML($location, $html, $dir);