ro 37120efe18
asset moving for themes fixed, settings save patch
When testing themes, the script wasn't moving all assets that were in
subdirectories of the theme css folder, so that's been fixed so it moves
everything when testing a theme and rendering the site

there was also an issue with saving settings options because the script
was referencing email data that was no longer being provided from the
front end, so it was erroring out trying to save it. those references
have been removed so it's smooth sailing
2024-06-25 15:33:42 -06:00

108 lines
3.8 KiB

namespace App\Services\Assets;
use App\Services\Data\ThemeService;
class AssetService
protected $themeTestImagePath;
protected $themeTestCSSPath;
protected $themeTestScriptsPath;
protected $themes;
protected $currentTheme;
public function __construct(ThemeService $themeService)
$this->themeTestImagePath = '../public/theme/images/global/';
$this->themeTestCSSPath = '../public/theme/css/theme/';
$this->themeTestScriptsPath = '../public/theme/scripts/theme/';
$this->themeImagePath = '../public/assets/images/global/';
$this->themeCSSPath = '../public/assets/css/theme/';
$this->themeScriptsPath = '../public/assets/scripts/theme/';
$this->themes = $themeService;
$this->currentTheme = $this->themes->getCurrentTheme();
public function getCurrentTheme()
return $this->currentTheme;
public function moveToTheme($live = false)
$imagePath = '';
$cssPath = '';
$scriptPath = '';
($live) ? $imagePath = $this->themeImagePath : $imagePath = $this->themeTestImagePath;
($live) ? $cssPath = $this->themeCSSPath : $cssPath = $this->themeTestCSSPath;
($live) ? $scriptPath = $this->themeScriptsPath : $scriptPath = $this->themeTestScriptsPath;
//get current theme
foreach (
new \DirectoryIterator('../content/themes/' . $this->currentTheme . '/assets/images/global/') as $file
) {
if ($file->isDot()) {
//make theme directory if not present
if (!is_dir($imagePath)) {
mkdir($imagePath, 0755, true);
if (!is_file($imagePath . $file->getFileName())) {
'../content/themes/' .
$this->currentTheme .
'/assets/images/global/' .
$imagePath . $file->getFileName()
} else {
//image is already there, so chill
//clear test theme css and script directories
$styles = glob($cssPath . '*'); // get all file names
foreach ($styles as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
unlink($file); // delete file
$scripts = glob($scriptPath . '*'); // get all file names
foreach ($scripts as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
unlink($file); // delete file
//copy theme assets to public
$newcss = glob('../content/themes/' . $this->currentTheme . '/assets/css/*');
if (!is_dir($cssPath)) {
mkdir($cssPath, 0755, true);
foreach ($newcss as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
$path = explode('/', $file);
copy($file, $cssPath . $path[6]);
} else {
// if there is a type/font folder, move it
$typePath = explode('/', $file);
if (is_dir($cssPath . $typePath[6])) {
delete_directory($cssPath . $typePath[6]);
rename($file, $cssPath . $typePath[6]);
$newjs = glob('../content/themes/' . $this->currentTheme . '/assets/scripts/*');
if (!is_dir($scriptPath)) {
mkdir($scriptPath, 0755, true);
foreach ($newjs as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
$path = explode('/', $file);
copy($file, $scriptPath . $path[6]);