ro a6b63ca551
implemented render engine
page rendering for tags, archives and markdown pages is now up and
running and being exported to html when requested.

currently it only works when saving a page, so now the settings page
needs to be plugged in so those features can be activated and toggled
through that UI

error checking will probably be added in the near future just in case
something unforeseen happens in the render process, resulting in the
site erroring out.
2024-03-18 16:14:17 -06:00

160 lines
5 KiB

namespace App\Repositories;
use App\Interfaces\PageRepositoryInterface;
use App\Services\SettingsService;
use App\Services\ContentService;
use App\Services\PaginateService;
use App\Services\StringService;
use App\Services\DocService;
use App\Services\SortingService;
use App\Services\RenderService;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class PageRepository implements PageRepositoryInterface
protected $content;
protected $setttings;
protected $paginate;
protected $pages;
protected $strings;
protected $docs;
protected $sort;
protected $render;
public function __construct(
ContentService $contentService,
SettingsService $settingsService,
PaginateService $paginateService,
StringService $stringService,
DocService $docService,
SortingService $sortingService,
RenderService $renderService
) {
$this->content = $contentService;
$this->settings = $settingsService;
$this->paginate = $paginateService;
$this->strings = $stringService;
$this->docs = $docService;
$this->sort = $sortingService;
$this->render = $renderService;
$this->pages = $this->content->loadAllPages();
public function getAll()
return $this->pages;
public function getById($uuid)
$page = $this->pages->where('uuid', $uuid)->first();
//quick check to see if layout is set
$page['layout'] == '' ? $page['layout'] = 'page' : $page['layout'] = $page['layout'];
return $page;
public function delete($uuid)
public function create($page)
return $this->editPage($page, null, 'create');
public function update($page)
return $this->editPage($page, $this->pages->where('uuid', $page->uuid)->first(), 'update');
//hande result of page update
public function getGroup($num, $limit, $sort = "all")
return $this->paginate->getPage($num, $limit, $sort);
private function editPage($body, $page, $task)
if ($task != 'create') {
$path = date('Y', date($page['rawCreated'])) .
'/' .
date('m', date($page['rawCreated']));
} else {
$path = date('Y') . '/' . date('m');
if ($task == 'delete') {
$deleted = 'true';
$body->menu = 'false';
$body->published = 'false';
$body->featured = 'false';
} else {
$deleted = isset($page['deleted']) ? $page['deleted'] : 'false';
$created = $task != 'create' ? new Carbon($page['rawCreated']) : Carbon::now();
$updated = Carbon::now();
// grab current index from settings and update
$id = $task != 'create' ? $body->id : $this->settings->getSettings()['library_stats']['current_index'];
$uuid = $task != 'create' ? $body->uuid : $this->strings::createUUID();
//set variables post body for saving
$body->id = $id;
$body->uuid = $uuid;
$body->path = $path;
$body->author = session('member')['handle'];
$body->created = $created->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:sP");
$body->updated = $updated->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:sP");
$body->deleted = $deleted;
//set path to save file
if ($body->layout == 'index') {
$writePath = '../content/pages/start/';
} else {
$writePath = '../content/pages/' . $path . '/' . $body->slug . '.md';
//write file to path
$saved = $this->docs::writePages($task, $path, $writePath, $this->docs::objectToMD($body));
//handle post save result
if ($saved) {
if (
$this->settings->getGlobal()['renderOnSave'] == 'true' &&
$this->settings->getGlobal()['dynamicRender'] == 'false'
) {
$message = 'Filed edited and rendered. NOICE.';
} else {
$message = 'File edited. Nice work';
//upadte settings if needed
$body->path = $path;
// if new page added, update current index in Settings file
if ($task == 'create') {
return [
'message' => $message,
'type' => $task == 'update' ? 'postUpdated' : 'postAdded',
'id' => $uuid,
} else {
return $response = [
'message' => "Uh oh. File save problem. Don't panic",
'type' => 'postError',
'id' => $uuid,