ro 1f62e6f816
reworked sorting service class
decided to keep the sorting service class as is and remix how it works to
return data objects rather than just settings information to render

the overall size of the class is still large but now there are
some opportunites to move around some methodolgy to reduce it.

also made the necessary changes in the render service class and the
theme controller to use the new methodology
2024-03-28 16:42:37 -06:00

155 lines
4.8 KiB

namespace App\Repositories;
use App\Interfaces\PageRepositoryInterface;
use App\Services\SettingsService;
use App\Services\ContentService;
use App\Services\PaginateService;
use App\Services\DocService;
use App\Services\SortingService;
use App\Services\RenderService;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class PageRepository implements PageRepositoryInterface
protected $content;
protected $setttings;
protected $paginate;
protected $pages;
protected $docs;
protected $sort;
protected $render;
public function __construct(
ContentService $contentService,
SettingsService $settingsService,
PaginateService $paginateService,
DocService $docService,
SortingService $sortingService,
RenderService $renderService
) {
$this->content = $contentService;
$this->settings = $settingsService;
$this->paginate = $paginateService;
$this->docs = $docService;
$this->sort = $sortingService;
$this->render = $renderService;
$this->pages = $this->content->loadAllPages();
public function getAll()
return $this->pages;
public function getById($uuid)
$page = $this->pages->where('uuid', $uuid)->first();
//quick check to see if layout is set
$page['layout'] == '' ? $page['layout'] = 'page' : $page['layout'] = $page['layout'];
return $page;
public function delete($uuid)
public function create($page)
return $this->editPage($page, null, 'create');
public function update($page)
return $this->editPage($page, $this->pages->where('uuid', $page->uuid)->first(), 'update');
public function getGroup($num, $limit, $sort = "all")
return $this->paginate->getPage($num, $limit, $sort);
private function editPage($body, $page, $task)
if ($task != 'create') {
$path = date('Y', date($page['rawCreated'])) .
'/' .
date('m', date($page['rawCreated']));
} else {
$path = date('Y') . '/' . date('m');
if ($task == 'delete') {
$deleted = 'true';
$body->menu = 'false';
$body->published = 'false';
$body->featured = 'false';
} else {
$deleted = isset($page['deleted']) ? $page['deleted'] : 'false';
$created = $task != 'create' ? new Carbon($page['rawCreated']) : Carbon::now();
$updated = Carbon::now();
// grab current index from settings and update
$id = $task != 'create' ? $body->id : $this->settings->getSettings()['library_stats']['current_index'];
$uuid = $task != 'create' ? $body->uuid : createUUID();
//set variables post body for saving
$body->id = $id;
$body->uuid = $uuid;
$body->path = $path;
$body->author = session('member')['handle'];
$body->created = $created->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:sP");
$body->updated = $updated->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:sP");
$body->deleted = $deleted;
//set path to save file
if ($body->layout == 'index') {
$writePath = '../content/pages/start/';
} else {
$writePath = '../content/pages/' . $path . '/' . $body->slug . '.md';
//write file to path
$saved = $this->docs::writePages($task, $path, $writePath, $this->docs::objectToMD($body));
//handle post save result
if ($saved) {
if (
$this->settings->getGlobal()['renderOnSave'] == 'true' &&
$this->settings->getGlobal()['dynamicRender'] == 'false'
) {
$message = 'Filed edited and rendered. NOICE.';
} else {
$message = 'File edited. Nice work';
//upadte settings if needed
$body->path = $path;
// if new page added, update current index in Settings file
if ($task == 'create') {
return [
'message' => $message,
'type' => $task == 'update' ? 'postUpdated' : 'postAdded',
'id' => $uuid,
} else {
return $response = [
'message' => "Uh oh. File save problem. Don't panic",
'type' => 'postError',
'id' => $uuid,