Ro 07b422a9c3
CSS Overhaul Part 1
This one is a doozy, so let's breakt it down into what areas where

-   updated package json to remove unneeded dependencies.
-   rebuilt file uploading to simply a very convuluted process
-   began proces to replace icons with
-   began process of removing the need for css preprocessor and using
    pure css
        - login completed
        - dashboard index completed
        - page edit ui completed
- page edit ui text editor tweaked so syntax highlighting is cleaner and
  more accurate

The settings and navigation UIs still remain and then polishing the
responsive for the new css structure
2023-03-23 13:55:34 -07:00

49 lines
2 KiB

{% extends "dash/_frame.twig" %}
{% block title %}
{{ title }}
{% endblock %}
{% block stylesheets %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/css/dash.css?=adfa">
{% endblock %}
{% block mainContent %}
<div id="dash-index">
<div id="dash-index-wrapper">
<div id="dash-init" class="dash-init">
<form id="init-form" method="POST">
<img id="the-logo" src="/assets/images/global/fipamo-logo.svg"/>
<input type="text" name="new_member_handle" id="new_member_handle" placeholder="handle"/>
<input type="text" name="new_member_email" id="new_member_email" placeholder="email"/>
<input type="text" name="new_member_pass" id="new_member_pass" placeholder="password"/>
<input type="text" name="new_member_pass2" id="new_member_pass2" placeholder="password confirm"/>
<input type="text" name="new_member_title" id="new_member_title" placeholder="title"/>
<button id="init-blog" data-action='blog-init' type='submit'>SET UP YOUR SITE</button>
<button class="init-option" id="init-switch-restore">RESTORE FROM BACKUP</button>
<div id="dash-restore" class="dash-restore">
<form id="init-restore" method="POST">
<img id="the-logo" src="/assets/images/global/fipamo-logo.svg"/>
<input type="text" name="restore_member_handle" id="restore_member_handle" placeholder="handle"/><input type="password" name="restore_member_pass" id="restore_member_pass" placeholder="password"/>
<label>Grab your backup zip</label>
<input id="backup-upload" type="file" name="backup-upload" placeholder="Backup Zip"/>
<button id="blog-restore" data-action='blog-restore' type='submit'>RESTORE</button>
<button class="init-option" id="init-switch-fresh">OR INSTALL FROM SCRATCH</button>
{% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %}
<script src="/assets/scripts/start.js?=sdfsdf" type="text/javascript"></script>
{% endblock %}