Commit graph

9 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
FEATURE: File Backup
Turned on file backups that grabs uploaded images in the public
directory and saves them in a zip so they can be downloaded and
2024-07-03 14:30:32 -06:00
added layout varible to sorting, updated ignore
data sorting needed a new variable to differentiate between index page
rendering and standard page rendering, so that was added to the return
as well as updating the render script to include the variable that
wasn't being added for tags

also updated the git ignore file to ignore global images that are not
used by the base system. the script theme folder needs to be ignore as
well as that is going to updated by the theme itself for front end
coding and not used by the system
2024-06-26 14:08:53 -06:00
menu update fix, asset path tweak
when pages where being unpinned from the main menu, there was an error
resulting from a missing method reference in the class

also rearranged some path references in the asset service class for the
sake of better organization
2024-06-25 17:01:10 -06:00
asset moving for themes fixed, settings save patch
When testing themes, the script wasn't moving all assets that were in
subdirectories of the theme css folder, so that's been fixed so it moves
everything when testing a theme and rendering the site

there was also an issue with saving settings options because the script
was referencing email data that was no longer being provided from the
front end, so it was erroring out trying to save it. those references
have been removed so it's smooth sailing
2024-06-25 15:33:42 -06:00
Updated Mailer (#113)
Removed email settings from settings.json and moved them to the .env
file to use Laravel's mailer functionality.

references to the old mailer has been removed from settings.json,
data sorting class and the settings template file

the front end script has also been updated to accomodate different
message types, starting with a test message so members can make sure the
settings defined in the .env are working
2024-06-05 13:33:11 -06:00
fix for tag sorting and html page render
when sorting tags on a fresh install, a fatal error happens when the tag
array is empty because it looks for a var that doesn't exist yet. that's
been patched

the settings json file was still referencing the old version of the base
theme, so it was crashing because it doesn't exist anymore. updating it
to the new theme name clears this error
2024-06-04 15:19:46 -06:00
update member info from settings
setting sync is working but member data was not being updated in the
folks file or in the current active session, so that's been addressed

still need to turn on avatar updating as well, but that is tied to
updating the settings page, so that will be handled when image uploads
for that area are reactivated
2024-05-13 13:36:06 -06:00
implemented member repo class
a class for members was needed for long term handling of member
functions like login, update, status checking, etc so that class was
created and the AuthService class was removed as it was redundant and
it's functionaity moved to the member class
2024-05-13 12:06:05 -06:00
reorganized services
service classes are beginning to swell as there functionality is being
fleshed out, so a new organizational structure was needed to make sure
class sizes don't become too large and to increase site managability and
legibilty as more features get added and the code base grows.

data is for retrieving, managing site information, assets interact with external files
and upkeep is for maintenance.

some additional tweaks were also made to the options menu template to
prep it for it's transition to a toolbar component
2024-05-12 22:14:53 -06:00