Commit graph

18 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
file upload service added
ported over the new file uploader from the old build and made it a
service make for from some additonal file processing
i.e. image optimization or video converstion before it is saved to the system
2024-03-11 16:32:38 -06:00
page update api up and running
the first part of the page editing API is working again after porting it over
form the old fipamo build. a few changes where made to make the code a
big more managable, but the end to end process works for updating pages.

the remaining page editing methods will be activated after the rendering
engine is in place because that's going to be a pretty siginficant

but this is a big step.
2024-03-08 14:09:43 -06:00
page api rewire, pt 1
start building out the new version of the page editing api while making
some changes to the original scripts for added flexibility and using the
full range of HTTP methods that weren't being used before.

currenlty, it's just an end to end test to make sure the plumbing works
as it should data is being passed and can be processed.

now that it all works, the guts of page editing can be completed

update sortablejs to the latest since it's been awhile and got rid of
the old version
2024-03-07 15:42:11 -06:00
Fix for api not being to see session data
so there was an error when trying to use services for API controllers
that was happening because the api middleware didn't pass the same info
as web middleware, resulting in session info not being passed to
controllers used in the api

after a bit of reading discovered necessary middleware could be added to
api routing so session data is available in in api routing

2024-03-07 13:45:45 -06:00
AuthAPI, favicon tweak
Got the first part of the API working, which checks to see if there is a
valid session active to set up requests

also some small changes to get the favicon working, yeah, yeah, but it's
cool looking...
2024-03-07 12:04:52 -06:00
reorganized controller dir, added check for dash
seperated dash controllers for api controllers in the controller
directory to make them easier to manage

also added middleware to check authorization when accessing dash pages
2024-03-07 11:36:31 -06:00
added theme service class
page editing was missing the selector to choose what template the page
was using, so a theme class was created to handle retrieving and sorting
what classes where avaiable in the themes directory

still looking for twig files because themes haven't been converted over
yet, but one step at a time
2024-03-06 10:27:41 -06:00
filled out auth service class
expanded the auth service class to store member info in the current
session so validation is easier

also added a token to session data that expires every hour so people
won't be logged in forever and take breaks

hey, you matter too
2024-03-06 09:50:09 -06:00
page editor template rebuilt
There are some spacing issues that need to be addressed but the page
editor template has been added and the CSS all lines up

scripting is still an issue as the backend that handles content still
isn't in place, but the front facing piece is in place so now those
components can be built

scripting is going to get an overhaul anyway, so this is a good place to
start that process
2024-03-05 15:49:30 -06:00
added page repository and interface
plugged in classes for a page repository to handle editing and
retrieving page content and an interface class for the controller to talk to to
keep the methodoloy seperate from the controller to keep it all clean

now whatever changes that need to be made won't bother the controller
because it will always be looking for the same functions. super sweet
2024-03-05 13:27:27 -06:00
added page listing template, fixed sub menu items
moved the page listing template over and made all of the apropriate
changes so the CSS lines up as it should

there was also a minor issue that was keeping the sub menu for the start
pages from displaying so that was fixed
2024-03-04 20:06:36 -06:00
dash controller clean up
there was some stuff in there that wasn't being used anymore, so it's
been removed
2024-03-03 19:50:14 -06:00
added content collector and pagination
plugged in the dash index template which required grabbing markdown
pages and converting them to data the system can use and then pagination
that is used to sort content into pages

start page now switches from login screen to index based on session, but
that might be changes so it's a bit more clean to work with middleware
2024-03-03 17:49:05 -06:00
Login Auth Flow
Added controller to handle the login process and session management
that stores information about the person that has logged in so that info
is available through out the app when logged in
2024-03-03 13:48:22 -06:00
Started template conversion
Brought over a template from the old build to see how the conversion
process would go (it's not bad) and see if the CSS would still stick (it

The wiring will be finished when the auth class is completed
2024-03-01 18:16:24 -06:00
Added Auth and Settings service class
Plugged in a basic auth classs for verifying members and a setting class
to retrieve site settings and return necessary info.

Very bare bones to start just to get it working and prep for the
additional features
2024-03-01 13:34:36 -06:00
Added fipamo content, set up basic routes for test
Added the folder containg Fipamo markdown files to set up a basic route
for the start of the dashboard and quick test to make sure the file
    paths can be read

also added CSS files that will style the new template system, which is
currenlty in twig but will be convereted to blade
2024-02-29 13:00:59 -06:00
The Big Flip
Removed the Slim Framework from the codebase and installed the latest
Laravel version to be the new foundation for the project moving forward.

Code from the old version will now be ported to the new version.
2024-02-29 11:09:17 -06:00