initial commit in new repo

This commit is contained in:
Ro 2018-10-31 12:00:31 -04:00
parent eec14d30d5
commit 6f7fed59f3
228 changed files with 80301 additions and 0 deletions

.babelrc Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{ "presets": ["env"] }

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

brain/app.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var favicon = require('serve-favicon');
var logger = require('morgan');
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var session = require('express-session');
var MemoryStore = require('memorystore')(session)
var flash = require('connect-flash');
var theme = "default";
var app = express();
// view engine setup
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, '../themes'));
app.set('view engine', 'pug');
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '../content/folio-images'));
// uncomment after placing your favicon in /public
//app.use(favicon(__dirname + '/public/favicon.ico'));
extended: false
//app.use(require('node-compass')({mode: 'expanded', css:'styles', sass: 'styles', project: path.join(__dirname, 'src')}));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../content')));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../themes')));
// Why Do we need this key ?
secret: '1KqZ18W8KskE1iSw',
saveUninitialized: false,
resave: false,
store: new MemoryStore({
checkPeriod: 86400000 // prune expired entries every 24h
secret: '1KqZ18W8KskE1iSw',
saveUninitialized: false,
resave: false,
cookie: { maxAge: 608800000 }
var front = require('./routes/front/index')(session);
var back = require('./routes/back/index');
var folioLibrary = require('./api/content/folio');
var blogLibrary = require('./api/content/posts');
var projectLibrary = require('./api/content/project');
var bookmarkLibrary = require('./api/content/bookmarks');
var postLibrary = require('./api/content/posts');
var mailer = require('./api/content/mailer');
app.use('/api/folio', folioLibrary);
app.use('/api/projects', projectLibrary);
app.use('/api/bookmarks', bookmarkLibrary);
app.use('/api/posts', postLibrary);
app.use('/api/blog', blogLibrary);
app.use('/', front);
app.use('/@/dashboard', back);
//app.use('/mailer', mailer);
// catch 404 and forward to error handler
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
var err = new Error('Not Found');
err.status = 404;
// error handlers
// development error handler
// will print stacktrace
if (app.get('env') === 'development') {
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
res.status(err.status || 500);
res.render(theme+'/error', {
message: err.message,
error: err
// production error handler
// no stacktraces leaked to user
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
res.status(err.status || 500);
res.render(theme+'/error', {
message: err.message,
error: {}
module.exports = app;

brain/models/Bookmark.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
var Bookmark = sequelize.define('Bookmark', {
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
unique: true,
allowNull: false,
autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true
url: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(500),
unique: false,
allowNull: true
source: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(500),
allowNull: true
title: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(500),
unique: false,
allowNull: true
image: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(500),
unique: false,
allowNull: true
comments: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
author: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
tags: {
type: DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.TEXT),
unique: false,
allowNull: true
listed: {
type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
}, {
timestamps: true,
// don't delete database entries but set the newly added attribute deletedAt
// to the current date (when deletion was done). paranoid will only work if
// timestamps are enabled
paranoid: true,
// don't use camelcase for automatically added attributes but underscore style
// so updatedAt will be updated_at
underscored: true,
// disable the modification of table names; By default, sequelize will automatically
// transform all passed model names (first parameter of define) into plural.
// if you don't want that, set the following
freezeTableName: false,
// define the table's name
tableName: 'Bookmarks',
// Enable optimistic locking. When enabled, sequelize will add a version count attriubte
// to the model and throw an OptimisticLockingError error when stale instances are saved.
// Set to true or a string with the attribute name you want to use to enable.
version: true
return Bookmark;
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');
var Bookmark = new mongoose.Schema({
url: String,
image: String,
created: String,
edited: String,
}, {
collection: 'bookmarks'
module.exports = mongoose.model('Bookmark', Bookmark);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
var FolioProject = sequelize.define('FolioProject', {
type: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(500),
unique: false,
allowNull: true
description: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(500),
allowNull: true
url: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(500),
unique: false,
allowNull: true
tools: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(500),
unique: false,
allowNull: true
title: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
slug: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
images: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(2000),
unique: false,
allowNull: true
sortIndex: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
}, {
timestamps: true,
// don't delete database entries but set the newly added attribute deletedAt
// to the current date (when deletion was done). paranoid will only work if
// timestamps are enabled
paranoid: true,
// don't use camelcase for automatically added attributes but underscore style
// so updatedAt will be updated_at
underscored: true,
// disable the modification of table names; By default, sequelize will automatically
// transform all passed model names (first parameter of define) into plural.
// if you don't want that, set the following
freezeTableName: false,
// define the table's name
tableName: 'Folio',
// Enable optimistic locking. When enabled, sequelize will add a version count attriubte
// to the model and throw an OptimisticLockingError error when stale instances are saved.
// Set to true or a string with the attribute name you want to use to enable.
version: true
return FolioProject;
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');
var Bookmark = new mongoose.Schema({
url: String,
image: String,
created: String,
edited: String,
}, {
collection: 'bookmarks'
module.exports = mongoose.model('Bookmark', Bookmark);

brain/models/Post.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
var Post = sequelize.define('Post', {
uuid: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(50),
unique: true,
allowNull: false
title: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(500),
allowNull: true
slug: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(500),
unique: false,
allowNull: true
tags: {
type: DataTypes.STRING(2000),
unique: false,
allowNull: true
entry_html: {
type: DataTypes.TEXT,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
entry_plaintext: {
type: DataTypes.TEXT,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
feature_image: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
page: {
type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
author_id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
}, {
timestamps: true,
// don't delete database entries but set the newly added attribute deletedAt
// to the current date (when deletion was done). paranoid will only work if
// timestamps are enabled
paranoid: true,
// don't use camelcase for automatically added attributes but underscore style
// so updatedAt will be updated_at
underscored: true,
// disable the modification of table names; By default, sequelize will automatically
// transform all passed model names (first parameter of define) into plural.
// if you don't want that, set the following
freezeTableName: false,
// define the table's name
tableName: 'Posts',
// Enable optimistic locking. When enabled, sequelize will add a version count attriubte
// to the model and throw an OptimisticLockingError error when stale instances are saved.
// Set to true or a string with the attribute name you want to use to enable.
version: true
return Post;
post: {
"id": "59711abc12d3ab0bd61c3abc",
"uuid": "ec630e45-3342-4d7f-a24c-e448263c975b",
"title": "Welcome to Ghost",
"slug": "welcome-to-ghost",
"mobiledoc": "{\"version\":\"0.3.1\",\"markups\":[],\"atoms\":[],\"cards\":[[\"card-markdown\",{\"cardName\":\"card-markdown\",\"markdown\":\"You're live nice!\"}]],\"sections\":[[10,0]]}",
"html": "<p>You're live! Nice.</p>",
"plaintext": "You're live! Nice.",
"amp": "Not what you think!",
"feature_image": "/content/images/2014/12/my-image.png",
"featured": false,
"page": false,
"status": "published",
"locale": null,
"visibility": "public",
"meta_title": null,
"meta_description": null,
"author_id": "59711abc78f1ab0bd61c3efg",
"created_at": "2014-04-15T12:36:28.353Z",
"created_by": "59711abc78f1ab0bd61c3efg",
"updated_at": "2014-04-15T12:36:28.353Z",
"updated_by": "59711abc78f1ab0bd61c3efg",
"published_at": "2014-04-15T12:36:28.363Z",
"published_by": "59711abc78f1ab0bd61c3efg",
"custom_excerpt": null,
"codeinjection_head": null,
"codeinjection_foot": null,
"og_image": null,
"og_title": null,
"og_description": null,
"twitter_image": null,
"twitter_title": null,
"twitter_description": null

brain/models/User.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
var User = sequelize.define('User', {
avatar: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
handle: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: true,
allowNull: true
email: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
role: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: false,
allowNull: true
password: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
unique: true,
allowNull: false
}, {
timestamps: true,
// don't delete database entries but set the newly added attribute deletedAt
// to the current date (when deletion was done). paranoid will only work if
// timestamps are enabled
paranoid: true,
// don't use camelcase for automatically added attributes but underscore style
// so updatedAt will be updated_at
underscored: true,
// disable the modification of table names; By default, sequelize will automatically
// transform all passed model names (first parameter of define) into plural.
// if you don't want that, set the following
freezeTableName: false,
// define the table's name
tableName: 'Users',
// Enable optimistic locking. When enabled, sequelize will add a version count attriubte
// to the model and throw an OptimisticLockingError error when stale instances are saved.
// Set to true or a string with the attribute name you want to use to enable.
version: true
return User;
var User = new mongoose.Schema({
avatar: String,
handle: String,
firstname: String,
lastname: String,
email: String,
password: String,
bio: {
type: String,
default: 'I\'m actually really interesting, but, alas, I am kind of lazy.'
role: {
type: String,
default: 'client'
created_at: Date,
last_login: Date
}, {
collection: 'users'
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', User);

brain/models/index.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var Sequelize = require('sequelize');
var basename = path.basename(__filename);
var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
var config = require('../../config.json')[env];
var db = {};
if (config.use_env_variable) {
var sequelize = new Sequelize(process.env[config.use_env_variable], config);
} else {
var sequelize = new Sequelize(config.local.database, config.local.user, config.local.password, config.local.options);
var sequelize = new Sequelize(config.database, config.user, config.password, config.options);
sequelize.authenticate().then(() => {
}).catch((err) => {
.filter(file => {
return (file.indexOf('.') !== 0) && (file !== basename) && (file.slice(-3) === '.js');
.forEach(file => {
var model = sequelize['import'](path.join(__dirname, file));
db[] = model;
Object.keys(db).forEach(modelName => {
if (db[modelName].associate) {
db.sequelize = sequelize;
//db.Sequelize = Sequelize;
module.exports = db;

brain/routes/back/index.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var Models = require('../../models');
var DateUtils = require('../../utils/DateUtils');
var hljs = require('highlight.js/lib/highlight');
var hljs_md = require('highlight.js/lib/languages/markdown');
hljs.registerLanguage('markdown', hljs_md);
// Index
router.get('/', function (req, res) {
var loggedIn = false
if (req.session.user)
loggedIn = true;
order: [
['id', 'DESC']
limit: 10
}).then(function (posts) {
res.render('dash/index', {
title: 'Dashboard',
user_status: loggedIn,
items: posts
}).then(function (value) {
}).catch(function (err) {
router.get('/settings/', function (req, res) {
if (req.session.user) {
res.render('dash/settings', {
title: 'Dashboard | Settings',
mode: 'admin'
} else {
router.get('/entries/:page?', function (req, res) {
var pageNum =;
if(pageNum == "" || pageNum == null) pageNum = 1;
var offset = ((pageNum*5) -5);
if (req.session.user) {
order: [
['id', 'DESC']
}).then(function (posts) {
var count = Math.round(posts.length / 6);
//console.log("COUNT: "+count);
var pageItems = [];
var itemLimit = 6;
var rangeStart = (pageNum * itemLimit) - itemLimit;
for (var i = 0; i < itemLimit; i++) {
try {
if (posts[i + rangeStart].id != null) {
pageItems.push(posts[i + rangeStart]);
} catch (e) {
res.render('dash/entries-index', {
title: 'Dashbord Entries',
mode: 'admin',
items: pageItems,
page_index: pageNum,
page_count: count
}).then(function (value) {
}).catch(function (err) {
} else {
router.get('/entries/add/', function (req, res) {
if (req.session.user) {
res.render('dash/entry-edit', {
title: 'Add Entry',
mode: 'admin',
edit: false
} else {
router.get('/entries/edit/:id', function (req, res) {
if (req.session.user) {
where: {
}).then(entry => {
let featured_img = JSON.parse(entry.feature_image);
let featured = 'null';
if (featured_img.length != 0)
featured = featured_img[0].substr(7, featured_img[0].length);
let pretty = hljs.highlight('markdown', entry.entry_plaintext).value;
let newdate = new Date(entry.created_at);
let formattedDate = newdate.getFullYear()+"-"+newdate.getMonth()+"-"+newdate.getDate();
console.log(DateUtils.getDate('null', 'full'));
res.render('dash/entry-edit', {
title: 'Edit Entry',
mode: 'admin',
post: entry,
colored: pretty,
html: entry.entry_plaintext,
feature: featured,
edit: true
}).then(function (value) {
console.log("VALUE: " + value);
}).catch(function (err) {
} else {
router.get('/fipamo/', function (req, res) {
if (req.session.user) {
order: [['id', 'DESC']]
}).then(function (saved) {
res.render('admin/admin-fipamo-index', {
title: 'Manage Saved',
mode: 'admin',
saved: saved
}).then(function (value) {
}).catch(function (err) {
} else {
router.get('/fipamo/edit/:id', function (req, res) {
if (req.session.user) {
where: {
}).then(saved => {
res.render('admin/admin-fipamo-edit', {
title: 'FIPAMO | EDIT ' + saved.title,
mode: 'admin',
bookmark: saved,
edit: true
}).then(function (value) {
console.log("VALUE: " + value);
}).catch(function (err) {
} else {
router.get('/folio/', function (req, res) {
if (req.session.user) {
Models.FolioProject.findAll().then(function (projects) {
res.render('folio-hub', {
title: 'manage folio',
mode: 'admin',
projects: projects
}).then(function (value) {
}).catch(function (err) {
} else {
router.get('/folio/:id', function (req, res) {
if (req.session.user) {
where: {
}).then(function (project) {
//var item = project[0]
res.render('folio-project-display', {
title: project.title,
project: project,
edit: true,
mode: 'admin'
}).then(function (value) {
}).catch(function (err) {
} else {
router.get('/folio/task/add', function (req, res) {
if (req.user) {
res.render('folio-project-display', {
title: 'Add New Project',
edit: false,
mode: 'admin'
} else {
router.get('/admin/:include/:id?', function (req, res) {
if (req.user) {
if (req.user.role == 2) {
switch (req.params.include) {
case "edit-project":
FolioProject.findById( (project) {
res.render('includes/folio-project', {
formTitle: "EDIT " + project.title,
project: project,
mode: req.params.include
}).catch(function (err) {
case "add-project":
res.render('includes/folio-project', {
formTitle: 'Fo r mle ss ADMIN | Add New Project',
mode: req.params.include
case "folio-hub":
FolioProject.find().exec().then(function (entries) {
res.render('content/folio-hub', {
title: 'Fo r mle ss ADMIN | Folio Manager',
entries: entries
}).then(function (value) {
}).catch(function (err) {
} else {
router.get('/includes/admin-menu/', function (req, res) {
if (req.user) {
if (req.user == 1) {
} else {
res.render('includes/admin-menu', {
title: 'Fo r mle ss | Admin',
user_status: "What up, random entity",
name: "What up, " + req.user.firstname
} else {
res.render('index', {
title: 'Fo r mle ss',
user_status: "What up, random entity"
router.get('/content/admin/', function (req, res) {
if (req.user) {
if (req.user == 1) {
} else {
res.render('content/admin', {
title: 'Fo r mle ss | Admin'
} else {
res.render('content/index', {
title: 'Fo r mle ss'
module.exports = router;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var Models = require('../../models');
var config = require('../../../config.json');
router.get('/:page_num?', function (req, res) {
var page_num = req.params.page_num;
var pageNum = page_num;
if (page_num == null)
pageNum = 1
order: [['id', 'DESC']]
}).then(function (bookmarks) {
//console.log("num: "+pageNum);
//real page count
var count = Math.floor(bookmarks.length / 10);
var pageItems = [];
var itemLimit = 10;
var rangeStart = (pageNum * itemLimit) - itemLimit;
//console.log("RANGE START "+rangeStart);
for (var i = 0; i < itemLimit; i++) {
try {
if (bookmarks[i + rangeStart].id != null) {
//console.log(bookmarks[i+rangeStart]._id )
pageItems.push(bookmarks[i + rangeStart]);
} catch (e) {
//console.log("items count: "+pageItems.length)
res.render(config.theme+'/fipamo', {
theme: config.theme,
title: 'The Twelfth House | Fipamo',
page_index: pageNum,
page_count: Math.round(bookmarks.length / 10),
items: pageItems,
mode: 'bookmarks'
}).then(function (value) {
}).catch(function (err) {
router.get('/:id', function (req, res) {});
module.exports = router;

brain/routes/front/index.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var Models = require('../../models');
var bCrypt = require('bcrypt-nodejs');
var config = require('../../../config.json');
module.exports = function (session) {
// Index
router.get('/:page?', function (req, res) {
if ( == null || == "") {
limit: 5,
order: [
['id', 'DESC']
}).then(entries => {
limit: 5,
order: [
['id', 'DESC']
}).then(posts => {
limit: 5,
order: [
['id', 'DESC']
}).then(saved => {
res.render(config.theme + '/index', {
theme: config.theme,
title: 'The Twelfth House | Home of creative technologist, beat maker and over-thinker, Ro',
user_status: "What up, random person",
mode: 'index',
folio: entries,
posts: posts,
bookmarks: saved
}).catch(err => {
}).then(function (value) {
}).catch(function (err) {
} else {
switch ( {
case "dashboard":
// Login
/* Handle Login POST */'/login', function (req, res, next) {
where: {
handle: req.body.handle
}).then(user => {
if (!isValidPassword(user, req.body.password)) {
console.log('Invalid Password');
//return done(null, false, req.flash('message', 'Invalid Password')); // redirect back to login page
return res.json({
let session = req.session;
session.user = user;
//return done(null, user);
}).catch(err => {
return res.json({
message: 'NOT FOUND BOSS'
// Logout
//--------------------------'/logout', function (req, res, next) {
return res.json({
message: 'LOGGED OUT'
return router;
var isValidPassword = function (user, password) {
return bCrypt.compareSync(password, user.password);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var Models = require('../../models');
var config = require('../../../config.json');
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
router.get('/page/:page_num?', function (req, res) {
var page_num = req.params.page_num;
var pageNum = page_num;
if (page_num == null)
pageNum = 1
order: [['id', 'DESC']]
}).then(function (post) {
//console.log("num: "+pageNum);
//real page count
var count = Math.floor(post.length / 6);
var pageItems = [];
var itemLimit = 6;
var rangeStart = (pageNum * itemLimit) - itemLimit;
//console.log("RANGE START "+rangeStart);
for (var i = 0; i < itemLimit; i++) {
try {
if (post[i + rangeStart].id != null) {
pageItems.push(post[i + rangeStart]);
} catch (e) {
//console.log("items count: "+pageItems.length)
res.render(config.theme+'/blog', {
theme: config.theme,
title: 'The Twelfth House | Thoughts and Such',
page_index: pageNum,
page_count: Math.round(post.length / 6),
items: pageItems,
mode: 'blog'
}).then(function (value) {
}).catch(function (err) {
router.get('/:id', function(req, res) {
Models.Post.findOne({where:{slug:}}).then((post) => {
res.render(config.theme+'/blog-post', {
theme: config.theme,
title: post.title,
entry: post.entry_html,
feature_image: JSON.parse(post.feature_image),
}).catch((err) => {
module.exports = router;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var Models = require('../../models');
var config = require('../../../config.json');
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
Models.FolioProject.findAll({order:[['sortIndex', 'DESC']]}).then(projects=> {
res.render(config.theme+'/work', {
theme: config.theme,
title: 'The Twelfth House | Creative Works and Projects',
projects: projects,
mode: 'projects'
}).then(function(value) {
}).catch(function(err) {
router.get('/:id', function(req, res) {
Models.FolioProject.findOne({where:{slug:}}).then((project) => {
res.render(config.theme+'/work-project', {
title: project.title,
type: project.type,
desc: project.description,
images: JSON.parse(project.images),
}).catch((err) => {
module.exports = router;

brain/utils/DateUtils.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
module.exports = {
decodeHTML: function(string, quote_style) {
var optTemp = 0,
i = 0,
noquotes = false;
if (typeof quote_style === 'undefined') {
quote_style = 2;
string = string.toString().replace(/&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
var OPTS = {
if (quote_style === 0) {
noquotes = true;
if (typeof quote_style !== 'number') { // Allow for a single string or an array of string flags
quote_style = [].concat(quote_style);
for (i = 0; i < quote_style.length; i++) {
// Resolve string input to bitwise e.g. 'PATHINFO_EXTENSION' becomes 4
if (OPTS[quote_style[i]] === 0) {
noquotes = true;
} else if (OPTS[quote_style[i]]) {
optTemp = optTemp | OPTS[quote_style[i]];
quote_style = optTemp;
if (quote_style & OPTS.ENT_HTML_QUOTE_SINGLE) {
string = string.replace(/&#0*39;/g, "'"); // PHP doesn't currently escape if more than one 0, but it should
// string = string.replace(/&apos;|&#x0*27;/g, "'"); // This would also be useful here, but not a part of PHP
if (!noquotes) {
string = string.replace(/&quot;/g, '"');
// Put this in last place to avoid escape being double-decoded
string = string.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
return string;
cleanString: function(str) {
return (str + '').replace(/\\(.?)/g, function(s, n1) {
switch (n1) {
case '\\':
return '\\';
case '0':
return '\u0000';
case '':
return '';
return n1;
cleanString: function(string) {
var clean = string.replace(/(^\-+|[^a-zA-Z0-9\/_| -]+|\-+$)/g, '').toLowerCase().replace(/[\/_| -]+/g, '-');
return clean;
getDate: function(type, rawdate) {
var day = ((rawdate != null || rawdate != '') ? String(new Date(rawdate).getUTCDate()) : String(new Date().getUTCDate()));
var month = ((rawdate != null || rawdate != '') ? String(new Date(rawdate).getUTCMonth()+1) : String(new Date().getUTCMonth()+1));
var year = ((rawdate != null || rawdate != '') ? String(new Date(rawdate).getUTCFullYear()) : String(new Date().getUTCFullYear()));
var hour = ((rawdate != null || rawdate != '') ? String(new Date(rawdate).getUTCHours()) : String(new Date().getUTCHours()));
var minute = ((rawdate != null || rawdate != '') ? String(new Date(rawdate).getUTCMinutes()) : String(new Date().getUTCMinutes()));
var seconds = ((rawdate != null || rawdate != '') ? String(new Date(rawdate).getUTCSeconds()) : String(new Date().getUTCSeconds()));
var millisecond = ((rawdate != null || rawdate != '') ? String(new Date(rawdate).getUTCMilliseconds()) : String(new Date().getUTCMilliseconds()));
if (day.length == 1)
day = String("0" + day);
if (month.length == 1)
month = String("0" + month);
switch (type) {
case "day":
return day;
case "month":
return month;
case "year":
return year;
case "stamp":
return String(year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + seconds+"."+millisecond);
return String(year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " : " + hour + "-" + minute + "-" + seconds);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
var roles = {
hnic: {
"client_admin": {
"create": true,
"read": true,
"update": true,
"delete": true
"client_user": {
"create": true,
"read": true,
"update": true,
"delete": true
"client_project": {
"create": true,
"read": true,
"update": true,
"delete": true
"folio_project": {
"create": true,
"read": true,
"update": true,
"delete": true
"bookmark": {
"create": true,
"read": true,
"update": true,
"delete": true
client: {
"client_admin": {
"create": false,
"read": true,
"update": false,
"delete": false
"client_user": {
"create": true,
"read": true,
"update": true,
"delete": true
"client_project": {
"create": true,
"read": true,
"update": true,
"delete": false
"folio_project": {
"create": false,
"read": false,
"update": false,
"delete": false
user: {
"client_admin": {
"create": false,
"read": false,
"update": false,
"delete": false
"client_user": {
"create": false,
"read": true,
"update": false,
"delete": false
"client_project": {
"create": false,
"read": true,
"update": true,
"delete": false
"folio_project": {
"create": false,
"read": false,
"update": false,
"delete": false
"bookmark": {
"create": true,
"read": true,
"update": true,
"delete": true
module.exports = {
TASK_CREATE: 'create',
TASK_UPDATE: 'update',
TASK_READ: 'read',
TASK_DELETE: 'delete',
OBJECT_CLIENT_ADMIN: 'client_admin',
OBJECT_CLIENT_USER: 'client_user',
OBJECT_PROJECT_CLIENT: 'client_project',
OBJECT_PROJECT_FOLIO: 'folio_project',
OBJECT_BOOKMARK: 'bookmark',
check: function(role, object, task) {
for (var i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
return false
return true;
hey: function() {}

init.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
* Module dependencies.
var app = require('./brain/app');
var debug = require('debug')('thetwelfthhouse:server');
var http = require('http');
var models = require('./brain/models');
* Get port from environment and store in Express.
var port = normalizePort(process.env.PORT || '2700');
app.set('port', port);
* Create HTTP server.
var server = http.createServer(app);
* Listen on provided port, on all network interfaces.
server.on('error', onError);
server.on('listening', onListening);
models.sequelize.sync().then(function() {
* Listen on provided port, on all network interfaces.
server.listen(port, function() {
debug('Express server listening on port ' + server.address().port);
server.on('error', onError);
server.on('listening', onListening);
* Normalize a port into a number, string, or false.
function normalizePort(val) {
var port = parseInt(val, 10);
if (isNaN(port)) {
// named pipe
return val;
if (port >= 0) {
// port number
return port;
return false;
* Event listener for HTTP server "error" event.
function onError(error) {
if (error.syscall !== 'listen') {
throw error;
var bind = typeof port === 'string' ?
'Pipe ' + port :
'Port ' + port
// handle specific listen errors with friendly messages
switch (error.code) {
case 'EACCES':
console.error(bind + ' requires elevated privileges');
console.error(bind + ' is already in use');
throw error;
* Event listener for HTTP server "listening" event.
function onListening() {
var addr = server.address();
var bind = typeof addr === 'string' ?
'pipe ' + addr :
'port ' + addr.port;
debug('Listening on ' + bind);

package.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
"name": "the-twelfth-house",
"version": "3.0.0",
"private": true,
"description": "The personal site of Roland X. Pulliam",
"repository": "",
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"scripts": {
"start": "forever start init.js",
"stop": "forever stop init.js",
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"watch-front-scripts": "parcel watch themes/$npm_package_theme/src/com/Start.jsx --out-dir themes/$npm_package_theme/assets/js --out-file start.min.js --public-url /$npm_package_theme/assets/js",
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"watch-back-scripts": "parcel watch themes/dash/src/com/Start.jsx --out-dir themes/dash/assets/js --out-file dash.min.js --public-url /dash/assets/js",
"watch-back-styles": "stylus -w -m -o themes/dash/assets/css themes/dash/src/styles/dash.styl",
"build-back-kit": "uglifyjs themes/dash/src/libraries/highlight.pack.js node_modules/scramble-text/dist/ScrambleText.min.js node_modules/animejs/anime.min.js node_modules/reframe.js/dist/reframe.min.js -c -o themes/dash/assets/js/dashkit.min.js"
"engines": {
"node": ">=8.12.0"
"dependencies": {
"bcrypt-nodejs": "latest",
"bluebird": "^3.4.1",
"body-parser": "latest",
"caret-pos": "^1.2.1",
"connect-flash": "latest",
"cookie-parser": "~1.3.3",
"debug": "^4.1.0",
"entypo": "^2.1.0",
"express": "^4.16.4",
"express-session": "^1.15.6",
"fs-extra": "latest",
"highlight.js": "^9.13.1",
"jsdom": "^12.2.0",
"mailgun-js": "^0.18.0",
"markdown-it": "^8.4.1",
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"morgan": "latest",
"multer": "latest",
"nodemailer": "latest",
"pg": "^7.5.0",
"pg-hstore": "^2.3.2",
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"request": "^2.83.0",
"sanitize-html": "^1.19.1",
"scrape-metadata": "^2.0.0",
"sequelize": "^4.37.6",
"serve-favicon": "latest",
"uuid": "^3.2.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/cli": "^7.1.2",
"@babel/core": "^7.1.2",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.1.0",
"animejs": "^2.2.0",
"babel-preset-env": "^1.7.0",
"bulma.styl": "^0.6.11",
"scramble-text": "0.0.8"

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View file

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View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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- var date = new Date(items[index].created_at)
a.entry-list-link(href="/@/dashboard/entries/edit/"+items[index].slug id=items[index].uuid)
= items[index].title
span= date.getFullYear()+"-"+date.getMonth()+"-"+date.getDate()+" "+date.getHours()+":"+date.getMinutes()
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- if(prev <= 0) prev = page_count
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
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-var post_id = ''
-var post_date = 'NOW'
-post_title = post.title
-post_plaintext = post.entry_plaintext
-post_feature = feature
-post_tags = post.tags
-post_date = date
//h2 EDIT
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textarea(id='entry_tags' type='text', name='entry_tags' class='form-control', placeholder='tags [comma seperated]', autofocus)
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svg#new-upload-link(viewBox="0 0 20 20" class="icons")
| B
| I
| S
svg#option-link(viewBox="0 0 20 20" class="icons")
| H1
| H2
| H3
svg#option-link(viewBox="0 0 20 20" class="icons")
svg#option-date(viewBox="0 0 20 20" class="icons")
if(edit)'blog-update' type='submit') UPDATE
else'blog-add' type='submit') ADD POST
code#edit-text-code(contenteditable="true") !{colored}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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block main-content
a(href="/") thetwelfthhouse
//| Twelfth House Admin
a(href=bookmark.url target='_blank') SOURCE
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input(id='saved_tags' type='text', name='saved_tags' class='form-control', value=bookmark.tags, placeholder='tags [comma seperated]', autofocus)
input(id='saved_image' type='text', name='saved_image' class='form-control', value=bookmark.image, placeholder='image url [comma seperated]', autofocus)
button(id="saved-sumbit-btn", class='saved-sumbit-btn', data-action='saved-edit' type='submit') UPDATE LINK

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
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block main-content
a(href="/") thetwelfthhouse
//| Twelfth House Admin
textarea(id="saved_text" name='saved_text' class='post-edit', placeholder='enter link to save', required, autofocus)
button(id="saved-sumbit-btn", class='saved-sumbit-btn', data-action='saved-add' type='submit') SAVE LINK
i.fa.fa-plus SAVE NEW LINK
-var index = 0;
-for (index; index<saved.length; index++)
-var saved_title = saved[index].title
if(saved_title == null || saved_title == '')
-saved_title = 'Saved Entry '+saved[index].id
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View file

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meta(name="description" content="The home site of Creative Technologist, music maker, and social philoshoper, Ro. Ha, I know. Me too.")
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include partials/front

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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block main-content
a(href="/") thetwelfthhouse
| Work header
span Add New Project
each project, index in projects
a.project-label#edit-project(href="/admin/folio/"+project.slug)= project.title

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
extends frame
block main-content
form(class='folio-project', name="folio-project", enctype="multipart/form-data")
span= formTitle
if edit
-var title = project.title
-var tools =
-var url = project.url
-var desc = project.description
//-document.getElementById('type').selectedIndex = 1;
input(type='text', name='title' class='', placeholder='Enter Project Title', value= title, required, autofocus)
input(type='text', id="tools" name='tools' class='', placeholder='Tools Used', value= tools, required, autofocus)
input(type='text', name='url' class='', placeholder='Project URL', required, value= url, autofocus)
select#type(name="type", form="folio-type'")
option(value="option00") Select Project Type
option(value="option01") Design and Development
option(value="option02") Web Design/Front End Development
option(value="option03") Web Development
option(value="option04") Logo/Branding
textarea(rows="9" cols="52" name='description' class='', placeholder='Description', required, autofocus) #{desc}
| Drag and Drop files to upload
label(for="upload-click") or click to select
if edit
button(id="btn-submit", class='folio-btn-edit', type='submit', data-action='folio-update' UPDATE_PROJECT
button(id="btn-submit", class='folio-btn-add', type='submit', data-action='folio-add') ADD_PROJECT
span Files to Upload
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
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label Settings
svg(viewBox="0 0 20 20" class="icons")
label Entries
svg(viewBox="0 0 20 20" class="icons")
label Bookmarks
svg(viewBox="0 0 20 20" class="icons")
label Folio
svg(viewBox="0 0 20 20" class="icons")
label Menu
h3 Recent
- var index = 0;
- for ( index; index < items.length; index++)
a(href="/@/dashboard/edit"+items[index].slug id=items[index].uuid)
= items[index].title

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
h1 What up
form(class='login', name="login" action="/login" method="POST")
input(type='text', name='handle' class='form-control', placeholder='handle', required, autofocus)
input(type='password', name='password' class='form-control', placeholder='password', required)
button(id="login-btn", class='login-btn', type='submit') COME ON IN

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
p project_details
label= project.title
label= project.type
p= project.description
each image, index in project.images
-var path = String(project.images[index].path).substring(7, project.images[index].path.length)
img.slide(id="slide-"+[index], src=path)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
form(class='signup', name="signup" action="/signup" method="POST")
label ://apply_for_entry/
input(type='text', name='handle' class='form-control', placeholder='handle', required, autofocus)
input(type='text', name='firstname' class='form-control', placeholder='firstname',required, autofocus)
input(type='text', name='lastname' class='form-control', placeholder='lastname',required, autofocus)
input(type='text', name='email' class='form-control', placeholder='email',required, autofocus)
input(type='password', name='password' class='form-control', placeholder='password', required)
button(id="signin-btn", class='signin-btn', type='submit') INIT_ACCOUNT

themes/dash/settings.pug Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
extends frame
block main-content
h2 Settings

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import * as DataEvent from './tools/events/DataEvent.jsx';
import DisplayManager from './controllers/DisplayManager.jsx';
export default class Base {
// constructor
//TODO: Flip to unified structure defined in BMG, brah
constructor() {
var self = this;
var admin = [];
var folio = [];
var displayManager = [];
this.dataUtils = new DataUtils();
this.settings = [];
start() {
this.displayManager = new DisplayManager();
// methods
loadSettings() {
var self = this;
this.dataUtils.request('/base-assets/data/settings.json', DataEvent.SETTINGS_LOADED)
.then((response) => {
this.settings = JSON.parse(response['request'].response);
.catch((err) => {
// event handlers

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import Base from './Base.jsx'
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var base = new Base();
}, false);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
import DataUtils, {
} from '../tools/utilities/DataUtils';
import * as DataEvent from '../tools/events/DataEvent';
import Animate from '../tools/effects/Animate';
import * as Ease from '../tools/effects/Animate';
import TextEffects from '../tools/effects/TextEffects';
import EntryTasks from '../tasks/EntryTasks';
import TextEditor from '../tools/utilities/TextEditor';
class Entry {
// constructor
constructor() {
this.editor = new TextEditor();
// methods
start() {
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('loader'),
duration: 300,
opacity: 0,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function() {
document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('loader').style.visibility = 'hidden';
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('header'),
duration: 10,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function() {
new TextEffects().scramble(document.getElementById('the-title'), 50, function() {
if (document.getElementById('the-intro'))
document.getElementById('the-intro').style.opacity = 1;
if (document.getElementById('blog-entry'))
document.getElementById('blog-entry').style.opacity = 1;
if (document.getElementById('featured-image-drop')) {
document.getElementById('featured-image-drop').addEventListener('dragover', this.handleDragOver, false);
document.getElementById('featured-image-drop').addEventListener('drop', this.handleDrop, false);
document.getElementById('featured-click').addEventListener('change', this.handleClicked, false);
document.getElementById('new-upload-link').addEventListener('click', e=>{
document.getElementById("post-sumbit-btn").addEventListener('click', f => {
let edit = false;
if ('data-action') == 'blog-update')
edit = true;
new EntryTasks().submitPost(edit, Entry.uploadFiles).then((response) => {
let note = JSON.parse(response['response']['request'].response);
}).catch((err) => {
// event handlers
handleDragOver(e) {
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'; // Explicitly show this is a copy.
handleClicked(e) {
//console.log("IMAGES " +;
Entry.uploadFiles =;
for (var i = 0, f; f = Entry.uploadFiles[i]; i++) {
// Only process image files.
if (!f.type.match('image.*')) {
var reader = new FileReader();
// Closure to capture the file information.
reader.onload = (function(theFile) {
return function(f) {
// Render thumbnail.
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = [
'<img src="',,
'" title="',
//document.getElementById('featured-image-drop').insertBefore(span, null);
document.getElementById('featured-image-drop').innerHTML = '';
// Read in the image file as a data URL.
handleDrop(e) {
Entry.uploadFiles = e.dataTransfer.files;
for (var i = 0, f; f = Entry.uploadFiles[i]; i++) {
// Only process image files.
if (!f.type.match('image.*')) {
var reader = new FileReader();
// Closure to capture the file information.
reader.onload = (function(theFile) {
return function(f) {
// Render thumbnail.
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.innerHTML = [
'<img src="',,
'" title="',
//document.getElementById('featured-image-drop').insertBefore(span, null);
document.getElementById('featured-image-drop').innerHTML = '';
// Read in the image file as a data URL.
Entry.uploadFiles = [];
export {
Entry as

View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
import DataUtils, {
} from '../tools/utilities/DataUtils';
import * as DataEvent from '../tools/events/DataEvent';
import ProjectFolio from '../tasks/ProjectFolio';
import TextEffects from '../tools/effects/TextEffects';
import Animate from '../tools/effects/Animate';
import * as Ease from '../tools/effects/Animate';
import DisplayAdminBlog from './DashEntry'
import DisplayAdminFipamo from './DisplayAdminFipamo';
export default class DisplayAdmin {
// constructor
constructor(section, page) {
this.section = section; = page;
this.current = null;
// methods
start() {
let self = this;
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('loader'),
duration: 300,
opacity: 0,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('loader').style.visibility = 'hidden';
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('header'),
duration: 10,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('loader').style.visibility = 'hidden';
// event handlers
DisplayAdmin.uploadFiles = [];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import * as DataEvent from '../tools/events/DataEvent.jsx';
import Animate from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import * as Ease from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import TextEffects from '../tools/effects/TextEffects.jsx';
import TaskFipamo from '../tasks/TaskFipamo.jsx';
class DisplayAdminFipamo {
// constructor
constructor() {
// methods
start() {
document.getElementById("saved-sumbit-btn").addEventListener('click', f => {
let edit = false;
if ('data-action') == 'saved-edit')
edit = true;
new TaskFipamo().submitLink(edit).then((response) => {
let note = JSON.parse(response['response']['request'].response);
if(note.message == 'link added' || note.message == 'bookmark updated')
case 'link added':
document.getElementById('saved_text').value = ''
case 'bookmark updated':
document.getElementById('saved_text').value = 'updated'
}).catch((err) => {
// event handlers
export {
DisplayAdminFipamo as

View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
import DataUtils, {
} from '../tools/utilities/DataUtils.jsx';
import * as DataEvent from '../tools/events/DataEvent.jsx';
import ProjectFolio from '../tasks/ProjectFolio.jsx';
import Animate from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import * as Ease from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
class DisplayAdminFolio {
// constructor
constructor() {
var self = this;
// methods
start() {
let self = this;
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('loader'),
duration: 300,
opacity: 0,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('loader').style.visibility = 'hidden';
if (document.getElementById('project-list')) {
sortable('.project-list', {
handle: '.drag-handle'
})[0].addEventListener('sortupdate', function (e) {
let sortList = [];
let sortItems = document.getElementById('project-list').children;
for (var i = 0; i < sortItems.length; i++) {
'sortIndex': i,
'sortID': sortItems[i].getAttribute('data-id')
new DataUtils().request('/api/folio/sort', DataEvent.PROJECTS_SORTED, REQUEST_TYPE_POST, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, sortList)
.then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('header'),
duration: 10,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {}
// event handlers
DisplayAdminFolio.uploadFiles = [];
export {
DisplayAdminFolio as

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import DataUtils, {
} from '../tools/utilities/DataUtils.jsx';
import * as DataEvent from '../tools/events/DataEvent.jsx';
import Animate from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import * as Ease from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import TextEffects from '../tools/effects/TextEffects.jsx';
class DisplayBlog {
// constructor
constructor() {
// methods
start() {
console.log("START BLOG");
// event handlers
export {
DisplayBlog as

View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import DataUtils, {
} from '../tools/utilities/DataUtils.jsx';
import * as DataEvent from '../tools/events/DataEvent.jsx';
import Animate from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import * as Ease from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import TextEffects from '../tools/effects/TextEffects.jsx';
//Client-side Pages
import DisplayIndex from './DisplayIndex.jsx';
import DisplayWork from './DisplayWork.jsx';
import DisplayBlog from './DisplayBlog.jsx';
import DisplayFi from './DisplayFi.jsx';
class DisplayClient {
// constructor
constructor(section, page) {
this.section = section; = page;
this.current = null;
// methods
start() {
let self = this;
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('loader'),
duration: 300,
opacity: 0,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('loader').style.visibility = 'hidden';
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('header'),
duration: 10,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
new TextEffects().scramble(document.getElementById('the-title'), 50, function () {
case "blog":
self.current = new DisplayBlog();
case "work":
self.current = new DisplayWork();
case "fipamo":
self.current = new DisplayFi();
self.current = new DisplayIndex();
// event handlers
export {
DisplayClient as

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
export const DisplayID = "Display-Fi";
import * as DataEvent from '../tools/events/DataEvent.jsx';
import Animate from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import * as Ease from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import TextEffects from '../tools/effects/TextEffects.jsx';
class DisplayFi {
// constructor
constructor() {
this.dataUtils = new DataUtils();
//this.mailer = new Mailer();
// methods
start() {
let self = this;
console.log("START BOOKMARKS");
// event handlers
export { DisplayFi as default }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import DataUtils, {
} from '../tools/utilities/DataUtils.jsx';
import * as DataEvent from '../tools/events/DataEvent.jsx';
import Animate from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import * as Ease from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import TextEffects from '../tools/effects/TextEffects.jsx';
class DisplayIndex {
// constructor
constructor() {
// methods
start() {
document.getElementById('the-intro').style.opacity = 1;
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('recent-work'),
duration: 200,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('recent-blog'),
duration: 500,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('float-bg'),
duration: 2000,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInQuad',
complete: function () {
// event handlers
export {
DisplayIndex as

View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
import DataUtils, {
} from '../tools/utilities/DataUtils.jsx';
import Entry from './DashEntry';
import Animate from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
class DisplayManager {
// constructor
constructor() {
this.dataUtils = new DataUtils();
this.currentDisplay = '';
this.urlPieces = document.URL.split("/");
//grab url so system knows what to display
this.chooseDisplay(this.urlPieces[5], this.urlPieces[6]);
// methods
start() {
let self = this;
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('loader'),
duration: 300,
opacity: 0,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('loader').style.visibility = 'hidden';
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('header'),
duration: 10,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
document.getElementById('loader').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('loader').style.visibility = 'hidden';
chooseDisplay(section, page) {
this.currentDisplay = '';
//console.log(section+" "+page)
switch (section) {
case 'entries':
this.currentDisplay = new Entry();
// just chill
// event handlers
export {
DisplayManager as

View file

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
export const DisplayID = "Display-Work";
import DataUtils, {
} from '../tools/utilities/DataUtils.jsx';
import * as DataEvent from '../tools/events/DataEvent.jsx';
import Animate from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import * as Ease from '../tools/effects/Animate.jsx';
import TextEffects from '../tools/effects/TextEffects.jsx';
import Mailer from '../tasks/Mailer.jsx'
class DisplayWork {
// constructor
constructor() {
this.dataUtils = new DataUtils();
this.mailer = new Mailer();
// methods
start() {
let self = this;
if (document.getElementById('work-display')) {
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('work-display'),
duration: 500,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('float-bg'),
duration: 2000,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInQuad',
complete: function () {
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('work-header'),
duration: 500,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
} else {
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('folio-header'),
duration: 500,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
sortItemList() {
let workItems = document.getElementById('work-list').children;
let trans = 300;
let self = this;
for (var i = 0; i < workItems.length; i++) {
//item.addEventListener('click', f => this.handleWorkList(f))
new Animate().object({
targets: workItems[i],
duration: trans,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
trans = trans + 200;
if (i == workItems.length - 1) {
new Animate().object({
targets: document.getElementById('contact'),
duration: 300,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
showFolioImages() {
let images = document.getElementById('project-images').children;
let trans = 300;
let self = this;
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
//item.addEventListener('click', f => this.handleWorkList(f))
new Animate().object({
targets: images[i],
duration: trans,
opacity: 1,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
complete: function () {
trans = trans + 200
// event handlers
export {
DisplayWork as

View file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
import * as DataEvent from '../tools/events/DataEvent';
import StringUtils from '../tools/utilities/StringUtils';
class EntryTasks {
// constructor
constructor() {
var folio = [];
this.dataUtils = new DataUtils();
// methods
start() {}
submitPost(edit, uploadFiles) {
let self = this;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
//collect form data
var postData = new FormData();
//let projectImages = document.getElementById('projectImages');
//var fileSelect = projectImages;
var files = uploadFiles;
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];
// Check the file type.
if (!file.type.match('image.*')) {
// Add the file to the request.
postData.append('feature_image', file,;
//var category = document.getElementById("content_category");
//let project_form = document.forms.namedItem("folio-project");
var txt = document.createElement("textarea");
txt.innerHTML = document.getElementById('edit-text-code').innerHTML;
postData.append("title", document.getElementById('entry_title').value);
postData.append('slug', new StringUtils().cleanString(document.getElementById('entry_title').value));
postData.append("entry_plaintext", txt.value);
postData.append("tags", document.getElementById('entry_tags').value);
let postURL;
let postEventType;
if (edit) {
let postID = document.getElementById('post-sumbit-btn').getAttribute('data-id');
console.log("POST ID: "+postID);
postURL = "/api/blog/update/" + postID;
postEventType = DataEvent.POST_UPDATED;
} else {
postURL = "/api/blog/add";
postEventType = DataEvent.POST_ADDED;
self.dataUtils.request(postURL, postEventType, REQUEST_TYPE_POST, CONTENT_TYPE_FORM, postData)
.then((response) => {
}).catch((err) => {
validateForm() {
let valid = false;
if (this.entry_form.title.value == "" || this.entry_form.price.value == "" || this.entry_form.description == "") {
return valid;
} else {
valid = true;
return valid;
// event handlers
export { EntryTasks as default }

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more