ro 7024285b70
page update api up and running
the first part of the page editing API is working again after porting it over
form the old fipamo build. a few changes where made to make the code a
big more managable, but the end to end process works for updating pages.

the remaining page editing methods will be activated after the rendering
engine is in place because that's going to be a pretty siginficant

but this is a big step.
2024-03-08 14:09:43 -06:00

199 lines
8.6 KiB

@section('title', 'The Dash | Editing '. $title)
if($mode == 'edit')
$id = $page['id'];
$uuid = $page['uuid'];
$slug = $page['slug'];
$feature = $page['feature'];
$layout = $page['layout'];
$tags = $page['tags'];
$content = $page['content'];
$date = $page['created'];
$updated = $page['updated'];
$media = $page['media'];
$files = $page['docs'];
$id = "";
$uuid = "";
$slug = "";
$feature = "";
$layout = "";
$tags = "";
$content = "";
$date = "";
$updated = "";
$media = "";
$files = "";
<section data-index="{{ $id }}" data-uuid="{{ $uuid }}" data-slug="{{ $slug }}" data-layout="{{ $layout }}" role="file-manager">
@if($page['feature'] == null)
<div role="file-drop">
<label for="page-files-upload">DRAG AND DROP FILES OR CLICK TO SELECT</label>
<label role="list-title">IMAGES AND VIDEO</label>
<div role="page-images-list"></div>
<label role="list-title">FILES</label>
<div role="page-files-list"></div>
<div role="file-drop">
<label for="page-files-upload">DRAG AND DROP FILES OR CLICK TO SELECT</label>
<label role="list-title">IMAGES AND VIDEO</label>
<div id="page-images-list" role="page-images-list">
@foreach($media as $item)
@if($item['type'] == "mp4")
<div id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="video-item" data-source="{{ $item['file'] }}">
<source src="{{ $item['file'] }}"/>
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
<div id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="img-item" data-source="{{ $item['file'] }}" style="background: url({{ $item['file'] }}) no-repeat center center / cover">
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
@if(media[0] != '')
@if(media[0]['type'] == "mp4")
<div id="0" class="video-item" data-source="{{ media[0]['file'] }}">
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">X</button>
<div id="0" class="img-item" data-source="{{ media[0]['file'] }}" style="background: url({{ media[0]['file'] }}) no-repeat center center / cover">
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
<label role="list-title">FILES</label>
<div role="page-files-list">
@if(count($files) > 1)
@foreach($files as $item)
$fileName = explode("/", $item['file']);
@if($item['type'] == "mp3")
<div id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="audio-item" data-source="{{ $item['file'] }}">
<audio controls>
<source src="{{ $item['file'] }}"/>
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
<div id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="file-item" data-source="{{ $item['file'] }}">
<a href="{{ $item['file'] }}" target="_blank">{{ $fileName[6] }}"</a>
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
@if(isset($files[0]) && $files[0] != '')
$fileName = explode("/", $item['file']);
@if($files[0]['type'] == "mp3")
<div id="0" class="audio-item" data-source="{{ $files[0]['file'] }}">
<audio controls>
<source src="{{ $files[0]['file'] }}"/>
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
<div id="0" class="file-item" data-source="{{ $files[0]['file'] }}">
<a href="{{ $item['file'] }}" target="_blank">{{ $fileName[6] }}"</a>
<button id="{{ $loop->index }}" class="media-remove">
<i class="ti ti-x"></i>
<section role="page-meta">
<div role="page-meta-wrapper">
<div role="page-title">
<textarea id="post-title-text" type="text" name="post-title-text" class="post-edit" placeholder="TITLE">{{ $title }}</textarea>
<div role="page-tags">
<textarea id="post-tags" type="text" name="post-tags" class="form-control" placeholder="tags [comma seperated]">{{ $tags }}</textarea>
<div role="page-layouts">
<select id="page-templates">
@foreach($views as $view)
@if($view == $page['layout'])
<option value={{ $view }} selected>{{ $view }}</option>
<option value={{ $view }}>{{ $view }}</option>
<div role="page-options">
<div role="page-updated">
<span id="post-date" type="text">
{{ $updated }}
<div role="page-created">
<span id="post-date" type="text">
{{ $date }}
<input id="page-files-upload" type="file" name="page-files-upload" multiple/>
<input id="post-image-upload" type="file" name="post-image-upload"/>
<input id="form_token" name="token" type="hidden" value="needtoaddtoken"></div>
<section role="text-editor">
<div role="edit-post-wrapper">
<textarea id="edit" spellcheck="false" class="language-md">{{ $content }}</textarea>
<pre id="highlight"><code id="highlight-content" class="language-md"></code></pre>
<script type="module" src="/assets/scripts/dash/app/EditPage.js"></script>