ro 2f2955e865
converted page, archive and tags files
the remaining base template pages have beeen converted to blade as well
as filling out the data they need to render being added to the sorting
service class

theming controller and and sorting service still need to be optimized
but they work so now they can be refined

once they have been cleaned up, the render service is class is ready to
be finished
2024-03-15 14:28:26 -06:00

169 lines
6.6 KiB

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Theming;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Interfaces\PageRepositoryInterface;
use App\Services\AuthService;
use App\Services\ThemeService;
use App\Services\SortingService;
class ThemeController extends Controller
protected PageRepositoryInterface $pages;
protected AuthService $auth;
protected ThemeService $themes;
protected SortingService $sort;
public function __construct(
PageRepositoryInterface $pageRepository,
AuthService $authService,
ThemeService $themeService,
SortingService $sortService,
) {
$this->pages = $pageRepository;
$this->auth = $authService;
$this->themes = $themeService;
$this->sort = $sortService;
$theme = $this->themes->getCurrentTheme();
$themeTestImagePath = '../public/theme/images/global/';
$themeTestCSSPath = '../public/theme/css/theme/';
$themeTestScriptsPath = '../public/theme/scripts/theme/';
//TODO: Create assset service class to handle moving theme assets around
//move assets to public for testing
foreach (
new \DirectoryIterator('../content/themes/' . $theme . '/assets/images/global/') as $file
) {
if ($file->isDot()) {
//make theme directory if not present
if (!is_dir($themeTestImagePath)) {
mkdir($themeTestImagePath, 0755, true);
if (!is_file($themeTestImagePath . $file->getFileName())) {
'../content/themes/' .
$theme .
'/assets/images/global/' .
$themeTestImagePath . $file->getFileName()
} else {
//image is already there, so chill
//print $file->getFilename() . "\n";
//clear test theme css and script directories
$styles = glob($themeTestCSSPath . '*'); // get all file names
foreach ($styles as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
unlink($file); // delete file
$scripts = glob($themeTestScriptsPath . '*'); // get all file names
foreach ($scripts as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
unlink($file); // delete file
//copy theme assets to public
$newcss = glob('../content/themes/' . $theme . '/assets/css/*');
if (!is_dir($themeTestCSSPath)) {
mkdir($themeTestCSSPath, 0755, true);
foreach ($newcss as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
$path = explode('/', $file);
copy($file, $themeTestCSSPath . $path[6]);
$newjs = glob('../content/themes/' . $theme . '/assets/scripts/*');
if (!is_dir($themeTestScriptsPath)) {
mkdir($themeTestScriptsPath, 0755, true);
foreach ($newjs as $file) { // iterate files
if (is_file($file)) {
$path = explode('/', $file);
copy($file, $themeTestScriptsPath . $path[6]);
public function getView($view = 'index')
$pageData = [];
switch ($view) {
case "index":
case "page":
$view == 'index' ?
$template = 'fipamo-default-v2.index' :
$template = '';
$page = $this->pages->getById('09E5A362-BA31-4AE2-9DEE-C93DFBE005C3')->first();
$data = $this->sort->page($page);
$pageData = [
"debug" => "true",
"theme" => 'fipamo-default-v2',
"status" => $this->auth::status(),
"title" => "THEME PAGE",
"meta" => $data['meta'],
"menu" => $data['menu'],
"info" => $data['info'],
"media" => $data['media'],
"files" => $data['files'],
"content" => $data['content'],
"recent" => $data['recent'],
"feature" => $data['featured'],
"tags" => $data['tags'],
"dynamicRender" => $data['dynamicRender'],
case "tags":
$template = 'fipamo-default-v2.tags';
$data = $this->sort->tags();
$pageData = [
'debug' => true, // for theme kit
'theme' => 'fipamo-default-v2', // for theme kit
'title' => 'Pages Tagged as Tag',
'dynamicRender' => $data['info']['dynamicRender'],
'tags' => $data['info']['tags'][3]['pages'],
'info' => $data['info'],
'menu' => $data['info']['menu'],
'media' => [
['file' => $data['info']['image'],
'type' => trim(pathinfo($data['info']['image'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION))]
case "archives":
case "archive":
$template = 'fipamo-default-v2.archive';
$data = $this->sort->archive();
$pageData = [
'debug' => true, // for theme kit
'theme' => 'fipamo-default-v2', // for theme kit
'title' => 'Archives',
'dynamicRender' => $data['info']['dynamicRender'],
'archive' => $data['archive'],
'info' => $data['info'],
'menu' => $data['info']['menu'],
'media' => [
['file' => $data['info']['image'],
'type' => trim(pathinfo($data['info']['image'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION))]
if ($this->auth::status()) {
return view($template, $pageData);
} else {
return redirect('dashboard/start');