Added the folder containg Fipamo markdown files to set up a basic route
for the start of the dashboard and quick test to make sure the file
paths can be read
also added CSS files that will style the new template system, which is
currenlty in twig but will be convereted to blade
Removed the Slim Framework from the codebase and installed the latest
Laravel version to be the new foundation for the project moving forward.
Code from the old version will now be ported to the new version.
Began the process of removing all invalid role attributes starting with the header, login, and notifications components. Updated the corresponding scripts as well.
Made a few structural changes to the header to simply it and then tested it to ensure notification still worked.
Rebuilt forms for resetting the password, creating a fresh site and
restoring a site from a backup, as well as adjusting the accompanying
scripts that handle those processes.