to complete page rendering, the default theme needed to be converted to
use blade templating. rather than update the theme kit as a seperate
progress, it will be integrated into this codebase so themes can be
developed and tested in app.
the basics for the theme kit are in place, so now conversion of the
defualt theme can be completed.
once the that is done, it can then be used to complete the rendering
engine to export HTML files
plugged in classes for a page repository to handle editing and
retrieving page content and an interface class for the controller to talk to to
keep the methodoloy seperate from the controller to keep it all clean
now whatever changes that need to be made won't bother the controller
because it will always be looking for the same functions. super sweet
Plugged in a basic auth classs for verifying members and a setting class
to retrieve site settings and return necessary info.
Very bare bones to start just to get it working and prep for the
additional features
Removed the Slim Framework from the codebase and installed the latest
Laravel version to be the new foundation for the project moving forward.
Code from the old version will now be ported to the new version.