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ro 0785e76df6 Updated Location Page design
Updated the design for pages displaying information about specifiic
locations to clearly display heat rating, silence and suspeneded

Also inlcude a descriptor for heat rating.
2024-01-26 14:50:20 -06:00

47 lines
1.6 KiB

@section('title', 'The Bad Space | Location Info')
{{$location->description}}<br />
@if($images != null)
@foreach($images as $image)
<a href="/{{$image->path}}" class="location-image" style="background: url(/{{$image->path}}) no-repeat center center / cover #fc6399" />
$action = $location->block_count + $location->silence_count;
$rating = ($action / $sources_count)*100;
<div class="location-rating">
<img class="rating-icon" src="/assets/images/global/heat.svg" title="heat-rating" />
<span>RATING: {{$rating}}%</span>
<img class="rating-icon" src="/assets/images/global/status-silence.svg" title="silenced" />
<span>SILENCED: {{$location->silence_count}}</span>
<img class="rating-icon" src="/assets/images/global/status-suspend.svg" title="suspended" />
<span>SUSPENDED: {{$location->block_count}}</span>
<br />
Heat Rating is the percentage of <a href="/about#how">Current Sources</a> that have taken action against an instance. The higher the number of Sources that have silenced and/or suspended an instance, the higher the Heat Rating.
<br />UPDATED : {{$updated}}