@extends('frame') @section('title', 'The Dash | Edit Page') @php @if($mode == 'edit') $id = $page['id']; $uuid = $page['uuid']; $slug = $page['slug']; $feature = $page['feature']; $layout = $page['layout'] $tags = $page['tags']; $content = $page['content']; $date = $page['created']; $updated = $page['updated']; $media = $page['media']; $files = $page['docs']; @else $id = ""; $uuid = ""; $slug = ""; $feature = ""; $layout = ""; $tags = ""; $content = ""; $date = ""; $updated = ""; $media = ""; $files = ""; @endif @endphp @section('main-content') <section data-index="{{ $id }}" data-uuid="{{ $uuid }}" data-slug="{{ $slug }}" data-layout="{{ $layout }}" role="file-manager"> @if($page['feature'] == null) <div role="file-drop"> <label for="page-files-upload">DRAG AND DROP FILES OR CLICK TO SELECT</label> </div> <label role="list-title">IMAGES AND VIDEO</label> <div role="page-images-list"></div> <label role="list-title">FILES</label> <div role="page-files-list"></div> @else <div role="file-drop"> <label for="page-files-upload">DRAG AND DROP FILES OR CLICK TO SELECT</label> </div> <label role="list-title">IMAGES AND VIDEO</label> <div role="page-images-list"> @if(count($media)>1) {% for item in media %} {% set fileName = item.file|split('/') %} {% if item.type == "mp4" %} <div id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="video-item" data-source="{{ item.file }}"> <video> <source src="{{ item.file }}"/> </video> <button id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="media-remove"> <i class="ti ti-x"></i> </button> </div> {% else %} <div id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="img-item" data-source="{{ item.file }}" style="background: url({{ item.file }}) no-repeat center center / cover"> <button id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="media-remove"> <i class="ti ti-x"></i> </button> </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %} @else {% if media[0] != '' %} {% set fileName = media[0].file|split('/') %} {% if media[0].type == "mp4" %} <div id="0" class="video-item" data-source="{{ media[0].file }}"> <button id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="media-remove">X</button> </div> {% else %} <div id="0" class="img-item" data-source="{{ media[0].file }}" style="background: url({{ media[0].file }}) no-repeat center center / cover"> <button id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="media-remove"> <i class="ti ti-x"></i> </button> </div> {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %} @endif </div> <label role="list-title">FILES</label> <div role="page-files-list"> {% if files|length > 1 %} {% for item in files %} {% set fileName = item.file|split('/') %} {% if item.type == "mp3" %} <div id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="audio-item" data-source="{{ item.file }}"> <audio controls> <source src="{{ item.file }}"/> </audio> <button id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="media-remove"> <i class="ti ti-x"></i> </button> </div> {% else %} <div id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="file-item" data-source="{{ item.file }}"> <a href="{{ item.file }}" target="_blank">{{ fileName[6] }}"</a> <button id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="media-remove"> <i class="ti ti-x"></i> </button> </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% if files[0] != '' %} {% set fileName = files[0].file|split('/') %} {% if files[0].type == "mp3" %} <div id="0" class="audio-item" data-source="{{ files[0].file }}"> <audio controls> <source src="{{ files[0].file }}"/> </audio> <button id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="media-remove"> <i class="ti ti-x"></i> </button> </div> {% else %} <div id="0" class="file-item" data-source="{{ files[0].file }}"> <a href="{{ item.file }}" target="_blank">{{ fileName[6] }}"</a> <button id="{{ loop.index0 }}" class="media-remove"> <i class="ti ti-x"></i> </button> </div> {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} </div> @endif </section> <section role="page-meta"> <div role="page-meta-wrapper"> <div role="page-title"> <strong>TITLE</strong> <textarea id="post-title-text" type="text" name="post-title-text" class="post-edit" placeholder="TITLE">{{ title }}</textarea> </div> <div role="page-tags"> <strong>TAGS</strong> <textarea id="post-tags" type="text" name="post-tags" class="form-control" placeholder="tags [comma seperated]">{{ tags }}</textarea> </div> <div role="page-layouts"> <strong>LAYOUTS</strong> <select id="page-templates"> {% for view in views %} {% if view == page['layout'] %} <option value={{ view }} selected>{{ view }}</option> {% else %} <option value={{ view }}>{{ view }}</option> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </select> </div> <div role="page-options"> <strong>OPTIONS</strong> {% apply spaceless %} {{ include("dash/partials/options.twig") }} {% endapply %} </div> <div role="page-updated"> <strong>UPDATED</strong> <span id="post-date" type="text"> {{ updated }} </span> </div> <div role="page-created"> <strong>CREATED</strong> <span id="post-date" type="text"> {{ date }} </span> <input id="page-files-upload" type="file" name="page-files-upload" multiple/> <input id="post-image-upload" type="file" name="post-image-upload"/> <input id="form_token" name="token" type="hidden" value="{{ token }}"></div> </div> </div> </section> <section role="text-editor"> {% apply spaceless %} {{ include("dash/partials/editor.twig") }} {% endapply %} <div role="edit-post-wrapper"> <textarea id="edit" spellcheck="false" class="language-md">{{ content }}</textarea> <pre id="highlight"> <code id="highlight-content" class="language-md"></code> </pre> </div> </section> @endsection