import Book from '../../data/Book'; import * as DataEvent from '../../../src/com/events/DataEvent'; const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const multer = require('multer'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const moment = require('moment'); const book = new Book(); const uploadPath = './public/assets/images/blog/' + moment().format('YYYY') + '/' + moment().format('MM'); fs.ensureDir(uploadPath, () => { // dir has now been created, including the directory it is to be placed in }); var storage = multer.diskStorage({ destination: function(req, file, cb) { cb(null, uploadPath); }, filename: function(req, file, cb) { var splice = file.originalname.split(':'); cb(null, splice[0]); } }); var feature_upload = multer({ storage: storage }).array('feature_image'); var post_upload = multer({ storage: storage }).array('post_image'); /*** Retrieve Pages */ router.get('/', (req, res) => { book.getPage().then(result => { res.json(result); }); }); /*** Update Page */'/write/:task?', feature_upload, (req, res) => { var feature = ''; if (req.files.length > 0) { var path = req.files[0].path; feature = '/' + path.substring(7, path.length); } else { var url = req.body.feature_image; url != null || url != undefined || url != '' ? (feature = url.substring(21, url.length)) : (feature = ''); } var pageWrite = '---\n' + 'id: ' + req.body.page_id + '\n' + 'uuid: ' + req.body.page_uuid + '\n' + 'title: ' + req.body.title + '\n' + 'feature: ' + feature + '\n' + 'layout: ' + 'page' + '\n' + 'tags: ' + req.body.tags + '\n' + 'author: ' + req.session.user.handle + '\n' + 'created: ' + moment(req.body.created).format() + '\n' + 'updated: ' + moment( + '\n' + 'menu: ' + req.body.pinToMenu + '\n' + 'featured: ' + req.body.featureStatus + '\n' + 'published: ' + req.body.publishedStatus + '\n' + 'slug: ' + req.body.slug + '\n' + '---\n\n' + req.body.content; fs.writeFile('content/pages/' + req.body.slug + '.md', pageWrite, err => { // throws an error, you could also catch it here if (err) res.json({ type: DataEvent.PAGE_ERROR, message: err }); // success case, the file was saved if (req.params.task === 'new') { res.json({ type: DataEvent.PAGE_ADDED, message: 'New Page Created', id: req.body.page_uuid }); } else { res.json({ type: DataEvent.PAGE_UPDATED, message: 'Page Has been saved' }); } }); }); module.exports = router;