<?php use function _\find; use function _\pull; use function _\remove; class Settings { private $folks; private $tags; private $themes = []; private static $settings; public function __construct() { //gets all settings files and converts to php objects $this->folks = json_decode(file_get_contents("../config/folks.json"), true); $this->tags = json_decode(file_get_contents("../config/tags.json"), true); self::$settings = json_decode( file_get_contents("../config/settings.json"), true ); $_themes = glob("../content/themes/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach ($_themes as $theme) { array_push( $this->themes, json_decode(file_get_contents($theme . "/theme.json"), true) ); } } public static function sync($data) { $settings = self::$settings; $settings["global"]["base_url"] = $data["global"]["base_url"]; $settings["global"]["title"] = $data["global"]["title"]; $settings["global"]["descriptions"] = $data["global"]["descriptions"]; $settings["global"]["base_url"] = $data["global"]["base_url"]; $settings["global"]["private"] = $data["global"]["private"]; $settings["global"]["renderOnSave"] = $data["global"]["renderOnSave"]; $settings["global"]["theme"] = $data["global"]["theme"]; Member::updateData("handle", $data["member"]["handle"]); Member::updateData("email", $data["member"]["email"]); $settings["email"]["active"] = $data["email"]["active"]; $settings["email"]["smtp"] = $data["email"]["smtp"]; $settings["email"]["mailgun"] = $data["email"]["mailgun"]; DocTools::writeSettings("../config/settings.json", $settings); } public static function navSync($data) { $settings = self::$settings; $remove = $data["remove"]; //if remove contains id, find nav item page and set menu to false if ($remove != null || $remove != "") { $page = (new Book("../content/pages"))->findPageById($remove); $page["menu"] = "false"; $page["published"] ? ($page["published"] = "true") : ($page["published"] = "false"); $page["featured"] ? ($page["featured"] = "true") : ($page["featured"] = "false"); $page["deleted"] ? ($page["deleted"] = "true") : ($page["deleted"] = "false"); $updated = new \Moment\Moment(); $created = new \Moment\Moment($page["rawCreated"]); $page["created"] = $created->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"); $page["updated"] = $updated->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"); $md = DocTools::objectToMD($page); if ($page["layout"] == "index") { $writePath = "../content/pages/start/index.md"; } else { $writePath = "../content/pages/" . $page["path"] . "/" . $page["slug"] . ".md"; } DocTools::writePages("write", $page["path"], $writePath, $md); } $settings["menu"] = []; $items = $data["menu"]; foreach ($items as $item) { array_push($settings["menu"], [ "title" => $item["title"], "id" => $item["id"], "uuid" => $item["uuid"], "slug" => $item["slug"], "path" => $item["path"], ]); } DocTools::writeSettings("../config/settings.json", $settings); } public function getThemes() { return $this->themes; } public function getFolks($key = null) { if (isset($key)) { $member = Session::get("member"); $found = find($this->folks, ["handle" => $member["handle"]]); if ($found) { return $found[$key]; } } else { return $this->folks; } } public function getSettings($key = null) { return self::$settings; } public static function updateGlobalData($key, $data) { $settings = self::$settings; $settings["global"][$key] = $data; DocTools::writeSettings("../config/settings.json", $settings); } public static function getCurrentIndex() { $settings = self::$settings; return $settings["library_stats"]["current_index"]; } public static function updateIndex() { $settings = self::$settings; $settings["library_stats"]["current_index"] = $settings["library_stats"]["current_index"] + 1; DocTools::writeSettings("../config/settings.json", $settings); } public static function updateMenu($body) { $settings = self::$settings; //$menu = $settings["menu"]; $item = [ "title" => $body["title"], "id" => $body["id"], "uuid" => $body["uuid"], "slug" => $body["slug"], "path" => $body["path"], ]; if ($body["menu"] == "true") { if (!find($settings["menu"], ["uuid" => $item["uuid"]])) { array_push($settings["menu"], $item); } } else { if (find($settings["menu"], ["uuid" => $item["uuid"]])) { pull($settings["menu"], $item); } } DocTools::writeSettings("../config/settings.json", $settings); } public static function makeBackup() { //make sure back directory is there if (!is_dir("../config/backups")) { mkdir("../config/backups", 0755, true); } //creat backup zip $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open( "../config/backups/latest_back.zip", ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE ); //gather data and path info for md pages $pagePath = "../content/pages"; $yearPaths = glob($pagePath . "/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach ($yearPaths as $years) { $year = explode("/", $years); //grap the index and save it if (trim($year[3]) == "start") { $options = [ "add_path" => "content/pages/" . $year[3] . "/", "remove_all_path" => true, ]; $zip->addGlob($years . "/*.md", GLOB_BRACE, $options); } $monthsPath = glob($pagePath . "/" . $year[3] . "/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach ($monthsPath as $months) { $month = explode("/", $months); //once info is collected, add md pages to zip $options = [ "add_path" => "content/pages/" . $year[3] . "/" . $month[4] . "/", "remove_all_path" => true, ]; $zip->addGlob($months . "/*.md", GLOB_BRACE, $options); } } //tather data and path info for blog images $blogImagesPath = "../public/assets/images/blog"; $yearPaths = glob($blogImagesPath . "/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach ($yearPaths as $years) { $year = explode("/", $years); $monthsPath = glob($blogImagesPath . "/" . $year[5] . "/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach ($monthsPath as $months) { $month = explode("/", $months); //once info is collected, add images pages to zip $options = [ "add_path" => "public/assets/images/blog/" . $year[5] . "/" . $month[6] . "/", "remove_all_path" => true, ]; $zip->addGlob($months . "/*.*", GLOB_BRACE, $options); } } //add directory for settings and save them $zip->addEmptyDir("settings"); $zip->addFile("../config/settings.json", "settings/settings.json"); $zip->addFile("../config/folks.json", "settings/folks.json"); $zip->addFile("../config/tags.json", "settings/tags.json"); //save zip file $zip->close(); //update settings file with latest back up date $updated = new \Moment\Moment(); self::updateGlobalData("last_backup", $updated->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:sP")); $result = ["message" => "Backup created. THIS IS A SAFE SPACE!"]; return $result; } public static function updateTags() { $tags = Sorting::tags(); DocTools::writeSettings("../config/tags.json", $tags); } }