The plumbing for editing location info has been updated, so that data
can be changed by authorized memebers. Also added a new data point for
locations to store archive links
part 2 will focus on setting up permissions and authorizations as well
as smoothing out adding new members and member roles. an edit link will
be added to locations, which will be visible for members with the
correct permissions
The script for collection blocklist info was getting a little heavy, so
it's been split in two to make it more accessible and easier to
maintain. The first part collects data from current sources and stores
it for the second part of the script, which compiles all the data and
updated the database.
The Source model was expanded to track votes so block and silence counts
can be easily verified on the backend.
Added a new field to the locations table for total actions which will be
used to set the active state of location. this will result in data being
parsed and sorted easier instead of doing those calculations on the back
end, so DB queries will be simpler
also fixed actions counts for csv imports
Changed the appeal process so that each request is tracked in the
database to make reviewing and time limits easier to manage.
An email is still sent but it's just a notifcation to let the admin know
an appeal has been filed.
The count data is now separated by specific action rather than grouping everything together.
This gives a clearer picture of the severity of a response by current sources
Switched from using external CSV exports to having the system talk to
instances directly to build and update the database.
NOTE: Added a new table called Source with the corresponding model to
access it
Functionality is coming along at a good pace, so it was time to start
adjusting the templates and styles to the new layout.
Responsive will come after all of the pages have been updated.
Brought over the old form for adding new location to the db and the
plugged everything back up using Laravel's eloquent orm (which is pretty
fucking sweet) to re-active that process
NOTE: larvel gets a twitchy when sequencing isn't explicitly set some
minor edits needed to be made to the development DB to prevent a null id
error when inserting new records. this should be done to production when
it's ready as well
Rebuilt member authorization and session handling within Laravel's
envirnoment. Sticking with bcrypt encryption for passwords to make the
transistion simple.
Added some controllers and template pages to test connection with the db
and begin the process of porting over functionality to this version.
Also made some minor tweaks to formatting configs and updated a color in
the css
Archived previous version to switch codebase to Laravel framework for
the sake of reducing complexity to lower the barrier for entry for
potential contributers. Because easier is always better.